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Coastal Flatwing Damselfly - Griseargiolestes albescens 


Body length 37mm, male

This page contains information for about Coastal Flatwing Damselflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.


We found there are many Coastal Flatwings Damselflies in Yugarapul Park, Brisbane when we searching for the Petaltails. The Coastal Flatwings Damselflies are the lovely medium size damselflies. They are blue to pale blue in colour, with a funny looking face. Like the other Flatwings, they do not mind if we come very close. We can always have the very close look to them and they are easy to find inside the swamp area of the Yugarapul Park.

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The male Coastal Flatwings look quite different from the female. They have the furry thorax in white-blue colour. They pattern on the thorax is hardly be seen for it is covered by the white fur.  Their abdomen is dark blue with white light tail. 

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The above pictures show the female Coastal Flatwings. She is about the same size as the male. As the Australian Flatwings, sometimes they rest with their wings spread, sometimes rest with wings closed. 

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Females do not have fur on their thorax and do not have the white tail light. The patterns on their thorax is clean with metallic blue strips on white.

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The male and female look so different that although we can always find them in the same area, we cannot believe they are the same species. Until we saw them mating in tandem and wheel position. 

Wings of Coastal Flatwings Damselfly
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Last updated: December 17, 2005.
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