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Clubbed Emerald Dragonflies - Hemicordulia continentalis


This page contains pictures and information about Clubbed Emerald Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. 

Male, Body length 40mm. 

The Clubbed Emerald Dragonflies are medium in size, body length about 50mm. They are also known as Fat-bellied Emerald. When we took those pictures, we through they were Australian Emerald, another Emerald dragonfly species which is common in Brisbane. Both species can be found in the same place. Because both of them are seldom rest, it is difficult to distinguish between them. 

Clubbed Emeralds are long and slender, with black pattern on yellow colour. The black patterns are shiny blue green under the sun. Their eyes and mouth occupy almost all their head with bright green in colour. Clubbed Emeralds can be distinguished from other Emerald dragonfly species by the male's strongly club-shaped abdomen.

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The above two pictures show a female and a male, which they were mating and just separated before we took those pictures. They are found need Bulimba Creek in Macgregor Park.
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The close-up on the dragonfly's head. The pictures were taken in late afternoon when the dragonfly became not so active. We moved very carefully to the insect and get close enough to take those photos.
Clubbed Emerald is not as common as Australian Emerald which can be found on most of the creeks in Brisbane. In late summer 2005 we found a few of them, male, flying over Bulimba Creek in Yugarapul Park. Their flying patterns look similar to the Australian Emerald, with slightly shorter body length.
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Last updated: March 25, 2005.
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