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Rockmaster Damselfly - Diphlebia coerulescens 

FAMILY Diphlebiidae - Azure

This page contains information and pictures about Rockmaster Damselflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 50mm, male

Rockmaster Damselflies are also known as Dark Azure. They are large, thick body and rest with wings spread, much look like  the dragonflies. 

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Rockmaster Damselflies have black head, black striped bright blue colour thorax, blue ringed black abdomen and blue light tail. Their anal appendages are black in colour. Their wings are dark brown with colourless wings base.

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Our Australian Dragonfly Society Secretary, Ric Nattrass told us that we can easily find the Rockmasters on Northbrook Creek near Lake Wivenhoe. We went there and found those beautiful animal. 

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They likes to perch on the vegetations about a meter over the running water. When we went near them, they flied away while we were still two meters away. They flied to a higher position and keep watching at you. They usually returned to the same spot after we moved away.  

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Last updated: November 06, 2004.
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