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Stream Watcher Dragonfly - Nannophlebia risi


This page contains information and pictures about Stream Watcher Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.  
Body length 32mm

This is a small dragonfly found in Bulimba Creek. The dragonfly is black and yellow in colour, slender-bodied, the last few segments of the abdomen swollen like a clubtail dragonfly. Its two eyes are in contact and green in colour like a emerald dragonfly. However, it belong to the family Libellulidae (skimmer). 

wpe6.jpg (16190 bytes) 

When we were searching for the Rockmaster near Lake Wivenhoe, We found there is quite a number of them along the Pryde Creek. They usually perch on a branch over the fast runner water. 

Stream Watcher wings

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Last updated: November 06, 2004.
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