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Blue Sprite Damselfly - Pseudagrion microcephalum


This page contains information and pictures about Blue Sprite Damselflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Male, body length 38mm

Blue Sprite Damselflies are one of the most common damselflies found in Brisbane waters. They can easily be found near running water or still water. They usually rest on the plants either in the middle of ponds or at the water edges. In a sunny winter day, they may be the only damselfly still flying over the water, although only a few of them can be seen. In summer, large number of them completing for a good perching position with other damselflies. The pictures in this page are mostly taken at Wishart along Bulimba Creek and at the large ponds in Mt Coot-tha Botanic Garden.

The male damselfly is brightly blue  in colour with black pattern on abdomen. Notice its blue head, its face and eyes are blue too.

Quite a number of species of damselflies found in Brisbane are in blue colour and look similar. Our Australian Dragonfly Society President, Deniss Reeves, advised that we can tell it is a Blue Sprite Damselfly by its Blue eyes and bright face. The male Blue Sprite Damselfly has its blue thorax with black marks. Its long and slender abdomen is black in colour with blue rings. There is the blue tip at the end of abdomen. 

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The female are look the same except pale blue to grayish-green in colour. When Blue Sprite Damselflies are at rest, they held their wings closely folded up vertically over their thorax. 

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Male and female Blue Sprite Damselflies in tandem position. More information about damselfly reproduction can be found on the Mating Behaviour pages.
Female laying eggs with male still in tandem position 
Then the female will return to the water and lay her eggs, usually with the male still in tandem position. 
Damselflies lay their eggs in the plants under the surface of water. Female damselflies have their blade-like ovipositor for making an opening in the plant for her eggs. Female lays eggs alone or sometime still in tandem with the male.
Wings of Blue Sprite Damselfly 

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Last updated: November 06, 2004.
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