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Stout Duskdarter Dragonfly - Zyxomma elgneri 


This page contains information and pictures about Stout Duskdarter Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.  

Male, body length 45mm
We found those Stout Duskdarter Dragonflies on Moolabin Creek. They are active only on evening when the sky is about to turn dark. At that time most other dragonflies and damselflies are at rest and hiding. They fly very quickly along the creek, chasing with the Australian Emerald, which is the only other dragonflies remain active at that time.
  wpe17.jpg (27036 bytes)

The Stout Duskdarter Dragonfly is dark brown in colour, with dark colour on all wing tips. Their eyes are green in colour. They do no look like skimmers although they are in FAMILY LIBELLULIDAE. Their abdomen is slender and longer than their wings, and they do not perch. We noticed that their middle ocelli, or the middle simple eye is well develop, this could help them to fly in dim light condition.

The right picture above could be a  Stout Duskdarter Dragonfly too although it was in pale colour. The extreme constriction of segment three is the characteristic of this dragonfly. 

We observed that their females lay eggs alone by quickly dipping their abdomen on the water surface. 

Wings of Stout Duskdarter Dragonfly

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Last updated: December 12, 2005.
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