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Common Percher - Diplacodes bipunctata >


This page contains information and pictures about Common Percher Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Immature male, body length 32mm 
Common Percher are also known as Red Percher and Wandering Percher. They are small in size. The male dragonfly has the red eyes, red face, red thorax and red abdomen., with red mark on the wing tips. There is another small red dragonfly common in Brisbane, the Scarlet Percher, that they do not have markings on abdomen.  
Male, body length 32mm
Female, body length 32mm
The female is sandy yellow. Both have shiny markings on the back of abdomen. Notice their abdomen are a bit narrower at the middle. They can be found on ponds along the Bulimba Creek. 
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Immature male, body length 32mm
The above pictures show immature male Common Percher, it has the same colour pattern as the female. He was found hiding in the plants quite far away from the creek. When he grow up, he will turn orange and then red as a mature male. He will go back to his breeding ground, the creek, to perch and wait for females.    
Mating pair 
The above picture shows two Common Percher Dragonflies are mating in wheel position. More about dragonfly reproduction in this page.

This dragonfly sometimes attracted by windows light. We found many of them visited us in mid-summer, one night a male rest outside our windows.    

Common Percher wings


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Last updated: December 13, 2005.
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