Testimonials | New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!

Diet|New Pyramid Diet|New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!|Testimonials
This new "common sense" diet is simply one of the best available... And it is free!
This diet can help most lose weight, maintain healthy weight, eat healthier and live longer.
This diet can help lower risks for heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis and conditions.
The $mart $hopper Guide can help most make healthier food choices and save grocery money.
The New Pyramid Diet is the last diet most will ever need. It is a diet for the rest of your life.


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Dear New Pyramid Diet:
My doctor started me on this diet four months ago because I was "obese" and had high blood pressure (168/120). I lost 9 pounds the first week, 11 the second, and 8 the third. At the end of the third week my blood pressure was near normal (125/72) and I felt great! I have followed your diet and have lost 54 pounds. I can't believe I didn't go hungry at any time! I just started the maintenance diet and people can't believe it's me!
Thanks, Joseph Batula

 Dear Diet,
I just had to email you and say thanks for giving me a whole new life and a bunch of new clothes! People stop me all the time and ask me how I lost so much weight. (I lost 78 pounds following your diet in six months!) I tell everyone about the New Pyramid Diet. They can't believe it's free! All I can say is thankyou a zillion times!
Kathy Parsons

 To The New Pyramid Diet:
My doctor told me about this diet. I looked it over and decided to try another diet. I counted calories and bought their diet foods. But I was hungry all the time. Finally I broke down and pigged out. My doctor had to put me on high blood pressure medicine.
I started your diet 7 months ago. I could not eat all the servings in Rounds 1 and 2! My doctor cut my blood pressure medicine in half after 2 months and took me off it after 4 months! I lost 80 pounds and have been on the maintenance diet a month without any weight gain! You people should write a book - you'd be millionaires! Thank you so much for giving me a new lease on life!
Gerald Thibeault

Gerald emailed us over a year later and wrote-
"Since last March I've been following the New Pyramid Diet Maintenance
Plan. It works! My weight is still down. I think I have more energy
now than when I was in my twenties. But I had to email you to tell you
that my doctor was concerned about the size of my prostate before I
started the New Pyramid Diet. I just came from my check up and the
doctor swears my prostate has shrunk to "normal" size. I believe
this diet has saved me from both heart disease and prostate cancer.
Thank you for everything.
Gerald Thibeault

 New Pyramid Diet
I lost 40 pounds in 3 months! I'm eating healthier than ever before and I look and feel it too! My hair and nails are even healthier, no kidding! Thankyou so much!
Patti Ledford

 Dear NPD:
I just had to e-mail you to say thanks. I was so fat and felt so miserable I thought about killing myself. I have tried so many diets and spent thousands of dollars in a cycle of weight loss and weight gain that drove me crazy. I discovered that I have binge-eating disorder from reading your information and got the "professional help" I needed. I showed my doctor your diet and she said do it. I started ten months ago and the results were as good as any other expensive diet I've tried. That includes an individualized diet by a professional nutritionist. I've lost 130 pounds and have started the maintenance diet. I intend to keep the pounds off once and for all! I also quit smoking, again thanks to your information. You diet has changed, no saved my life. How can I ever thank you enough?
Sylvia Watkins

 Hi! I'm Daniel Fowler and I just wanted you to know my doctor OK'd this diet for me and I started it 8 months ago and I lost 70 pounds and never felt hungry. I want everybody to know if I can do it they can do it. I never look or feel this good in my whole life. Thanks!

 Dear Diet Dudes
I see this flat bellied man in the mirror like I was in high school again! I lost 90 pounds in 10 months and have been on the maintenance diet 5 months. I haven't felt better and man the dating scene is so great I can't stand it! You are the greatest!
Todd Stratton

 Dear New Pyramid Diet,
My name is Renee Johnson. I had to write you to say thank you for your diet and information. It has changed my life! I lost 110 pounds in less than 9 months and have kept it off for 7 months. I used to be Type 2 diabetic, I am not anymore thanks to this diet. I used to think no man would have me, I got married last month to a wonderful man! I know what you mean when you say "eat right for life!" because my life is something I look forward to living now. Sisters, if I am able to do it I know you can too. Try this diet! It's free so what do you got to lose but ugly fat? Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything!


To the New Pyramid Diet:
I've tried them other diets and I either went hungry or couldn't stay on it. A friend showed me this diet and I decided to give it a try. I lost 50 pounds in 4 months and have kept my weight down now for 4 more months. What I can't get over is how much "real" food I can eat and still not gain no weight. I got more energy now than men half my age and I haven't felt this good or worn this pant size since I was in the Army. Thanks
Bud Harrison

 Hello. I am Frank Carringer. I want to tell you I lost 60 pounds in 5 months on your diet. I kept it off for 4 months now. I don't have to take my high blood pressure medication anymore. But the miracle is my doctor is holding off having heart bypass surgery because it looks like the heart arteries are beginning to clear up! It's all because I followed your diet. I can't begin to thank you enough.

 Dear Diet,
I can't believe I'm writing you, it's not like me to do this. I just had to tell you thank you. I lost 65 pounds in 5 months following your diet, and I have kept it off for 7 months now. I gained most of the weight after my second child was born and couldn't lose it until I tried your diet. He's now 11 years old! My doctor said lose the weight or I'd have to go on high blood pressure medicine. He told me to try your diet. I can't believe how I was eating myself to death on junk food. Worse, I was killing my family with unhealthy foods. Your diet helped change all that. People can't believe the difference in me. My husband has lost 40 pounds. My whole family looks better and feels better. Thankyou.
Carla Reinhardt 

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$mart $hopper: Seafood/Meat/Legume/Egg/Nut Guide
$mart $hopper: Milk and Dairy Food Guide
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Copyright 1999. The "New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!" Association. Used by permission. [email protected]
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