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  1. Why cook? Many fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw. The more vegetables and fruits are "prepared" the less nutritional value they have!
  2. Gotta cook? Lightly steam fruits and vegetables: get a "lotus flower"-like steamer that fits inside most size pots; add 1 inch water to pot; bring to boil; put vegetables or fruit into steamer basket; close lid & turn down heat.
  3. Wanna cook more? Use high quality nonstick pans, pots and sheets - eliminates need for oils and chemical sprays
  4. Remember the Healthy Cook's "B.S.": Bake, Broil, Boil, Steam or Saute (without oil!)
  5. Want to saute? Lightly brush apply canola, olive, safflower or sunflower oil.
  6. Cook or saute with liquids instead of oils: try water flavored with herbs, spices, garlic, onion, pepper, chiles, ginger, ketchup, mustard, apple sauce, lemon, lime, fruit juice, vegetable juice, nonfat milk, sherry, wine or flavored vinegar.
  7. Thicken liquids, sauces or soups by reduction (boiling extra water out) or adding whole grain flour, agar, nonfat powdered/evaporated milk, nonfat yogurt or potato flakes (do not place potato thickener into blender/food processor: gets gooey)
  8. Need milk? Thicken nonfat (skim) milk with nonfat powdered milk, nonfat yogurt, or pureed tofu.
  9. Need eggs? Two egg whites equal one whole egg; or try egg substitute. Try adding tumeric to egg whites.
  10. If you must include dairy in cooking use nonfat choices for milk, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese, ice cream, whipped cream, etc.
  11. Want whipped cream? Try blending honey with vanilla (but use immediately) and top fresh fruit slices.
  12. Crave fried chicken? Place whole grain cereal in bag, roll to near powder, place chicken into bag, shake to cover and bake on nonstick, unoiled sheet.
  13. Gotta have French Fries? Try slicing/cubing unpeeled potatoes broiled on nonstick, unoiled cookie sheet. Just go easy on the salt and ketchup when serving!
  14. Substitute meat in recipes with soaked dried beans, soaked dried peas, grilled eggplant, squash or tomatoes.
  15. Substitute meat in meatloaf with applesauce, mushrooms or tomato paste and "bind" with cooked oatmeal, mashed potatoes, cooked rice, whole grain bread and/or egg whites.
  16. Purchase whole grain varieties of fresh bread and muffins.
  17. Popcorn? Air pop then add spices. Avoid salt, butter, cheese, and caramel.
  18. Need nuts in recipes? Try toasted rolled oats or chopped rice cake.
  19. Want salad dressing? Try flavored vinegars, stir favorite herbs and dried pepper/tomato into a little olive oil
  20. Bacon bits? Try diced sun dried tomatoes or pepper.
  21. Butter? Margarine? Try E-Z Hollandaise sauce instead: just stir nonfat mayonaise with a little lemon and mustard
  22. Look for opportunities to use fresh herbs and spices: be daring, experiment & have fun! You might invent a blue ribbon recipe! (Warning: family members are known to start groaning about this.)
  23. Crave salt? Try salt substitutes or lots of herbs and spices
  24. Need sugar? Always use sugar substitute or "sweet" spices: cinnamon, cloves, ginger or nutmeg.
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Diet|New Pyramid Diet|New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life! | Healthy Cooking Tips
This new "common sense" diet is simply one of the best diets available. And it is free!
This diet can help you lose weight, maintain healthy weight, eat healthier and live longer.
This diet can lower risks for heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis and conditions.
The $mart $hopper Guide can help you become a wiser consumer and save money on groceries.
The New Pyramid Diet is the last diet you will ever need. It is a diet for the rest of your life.
Copyright 1999. The "New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!" Association. Used by permission. [email protected]
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