New Pyramid Diet


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Meal Planning & Food Guide Page 1


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Explanatory Note: The suggested servings below are for The "New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!" plan. They are not to be confused with the USDA suggested servings. These suggested servings are for people who want to maintain their healthy weight with a moderate carbohydrate, moderate protein, low fat diet.

Individuals on the "New Pyramid Diet" Weight Loss Program should follow the suggested servings from food groups of that program.

Foods listed in the "Restricted" column are NOT banned or forbidden. They are less healthy choices than the foods listed in the "Allowed" column and should be eaten as rarely as possible.

Fresh vegetables are healthier than frozen;
frozen is healthier than canned;
canned is healthier than part of a prepackaged meal or dish.
Raw vegetables are healthier than cooked. The more vegetables are "prepared" the less nutritious they become.

VEGETABLES: 5-6 Daily Servings

Foods Allowed:

  • Fresh or frozen vegetables; without added salt, eaten raw or steamed
  • 100% vegetable juices; low sodium, low additives
  • Tomato products, no added salt
  • Broccoli sprouts, Spinach, Kale
  • Dried beans, lentils, dried or frozen peas
  • Low sodium, low fat peanut butter
  • Soup: homemade - no salt or dairy products; refrigerate meat broth, remove hardened fat before reheating & serving
Foods Restricted:

  • "Underground" vegetables

  • (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.)
    limit 1 serving daily
  • Vegetables prepared in salt, butter, margarine, cream, cheese or meat sauce/gravy
  • Vegetables canned with added salt, sugar, butter or meat
  • Moderate/high salt vegetable juices
  • Baked beans in sugar, molasses, honey or syrup
  • Canned beans, peas and lentils
  • Regular peanut butter & salted nuts
  • Canned or dried soup mixes

  • BLACK (Top): Fats/Oils/Sweets/"White" Breads - 0 daily servings
  • PURPLE (Top Left): Dairy - 1 (or 2?) daily servings
  • RED (Top Right): Poultry/Seafood/Meat/Legume/Egg/Nuts - 2 daily servings
  • YELLOW (Center): Whole Grains/Pasta/Rice - 5 to 7 daily servings
  • ORANGE (Bottom Right): Fruit - 4 to 5 daily servings
  • GREEN (Bottom Left): Vegetables - 5 to 6 daily servings
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Diet|New Pyramid Diet|New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!|Vegetables
This new "common sense" diet is simply one of the best diets available. And it is free!
This diet can help you lose weight, maintain healthy weight, eat healthier and live longer.
This diet can lower risks for heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis and conditions.
The $mart $hopper Guide can help you become a wiser consumer and save money on groceries.
The New Pyramid Diet is the last diet you will ever need. It is a diet for the rest of your life.
Copyright 1999. The "New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!" Association. Used by permission. [email protected]
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