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The SECRET to Health & Long Life


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Scientific research has shown us the secret to a long and healthy life and the ways we shorten our life. Most of these are within the control of the individual. Some, like genetics, are beyond individual control. Take this little longevity quiz:

Do you smoke?
Do you ever drink too much alcohol?
Do you ever take illegal drugs?
Do you ever speed when you drive?
Do you have trouble getting a restful sleep?
Is your lifestyle sedentary?
Did you fail to complete your education (high school or college)?
Do you dislike your current occupation/career?
Did either of your parents die of natural causes before age 50?
Do you believe there is no God?
Are you unhappy with your family/social situation?

Each "yes" response will threaten health and shorten life. But none more so than a "yes" to this question: are you overweight? That's right, being overweight is more dangerous to health and longevity than smoking, drinking alcohol or taking illegal drugs!

People who can answer "no" to all of the questions and who maintain a healthy weight can look forward to a healthier and longer life. Longevity research has known that income, occupation and education are important predictors of an individual's health and longevity. But a growing body of evidence points to education as the most reliable predictor. Education protects individuals from making poor choices. And one very crucial poor choice is to decide, for whatever reason, to become and remain overweight. Well educated individuals take better care of themselves. The best educated people stay abreast of recent scientific research. The lastest scientific research proves that the individuals with the best chances of living healthiest and longest will answer "no" to all of the questions above...
and are ten to twenty pounds underweight!
Their well documented "secret" is eating carefully selected, well balanced meals...and regularly fasting.

Fasting has had a long tradition in the life of religious people. The Holy Bible assumes that righteous people fast regularly (Matt. 6:16-18). Until this century, availability of fresh foods almost year-round was almost impossible; and depletion of stored food, especially during years of poor harvests (or as in the 1930's during the Great Depression when food was often unaffordable), was common. The result was an imposed fasting. Whether for religious reasons or because the population had no choice in the matter, fasting was a fact of living. Recent research has discovered fascinating and paradoxical benefits of fasting. Humans, and most animals, are biologically created to survive through a season when food is scarce. During that time, the body's immune system actually becomes stronger and metabolism lowers. A stronger immune system improves individual health; lower metabolism adds years to life.

The average American diet is high calorie, high fat, high carbohydrate and high cholesterol. The average American is eating too many "convenient" food artifacts in general and not enough fruit and vegetables in particular. The average American compounds this by not getting enough physical exercise to burn off all the extra calories consumed. The result is obvious to the naked eye: the American population is overweight and out of shape. America is currently facing an "obesity epidemic". Americans are eating themselves to death. The United States is facing a health crisis of historical proportions. There are those who attempt to hold various groups, industries and agencies accountable for this. But the truth is the individual alone is ultimately responsible for the food and fitness choices made in a lifetime.

Is a lifetime of poor choices reversible?
Are there benefits to fasting?
Are there any risks to fasting?

"Yes" to all three questions. In 1988, Dr. R. Weindruch and Dr. R. Walford published results of hundreds of research experiments and wrote, "Life can be extended by dietary restriction, a process which can also lead to a dramatic reduction in the chances of developing chronic disease in old age." Even more astonishing was the discovery that dietary restriction frequently improved to near full recovery certain existing chronic illnesses or conditions. Many illnesses that improved with dietary restriction commonly arise as one ages: cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, osteoporosis, cataracts, dementia, certain cancers, gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis and certain diabetes. The researchers found that diet restriction and modification
1. reduced the chances of these diseases developing;
2. improved chances for recovery from these diseases;
3. delayed to a far greater age the onset of these diseases and
4. extended life considerably.
The promise of a longer life, less chance of developing a life-threatening/life quality destroying disease and even recovery from such a disease once it exists is truly astounding, even revolutionary claims!

It would seem that everyone would clamor for their share in this "Fountain of Youth"! They don't. What do people think when they hear the words "dietary restriction"? Hunger, deprivation, starvation or famine! The very thought of eating less food creates mental images of poverty and failure doesn't it? But mindfully eating less food is NOT the same as having less food to eat! Sadly, too many people choose to live to eat rather than eat to live. For too many, "their god is their belly". In our status oriented culture, eating less food contradicts the image of wealth, success and living life to the fullest; the BIG shot; the FAT cat!

Eating less food can help people be financially wealthier. Individuals who eat less food buy less food. The money saved at the grocery counter can buy that dream! In the field of anti-aging research, there is something rare in the scientific community: a consensus! There is agreement that the way to slow down the aging process is to eat less food. Eat less; live longer! Eat less; have more to spend! This sounds too good to be true. How much are people willing to spend for drugs to extend their life a few years? The pharmaceutical industry knows the answer: millions of dollars! There are people who pay more then $300 per pill or $4500 per injection or $13000 per treatment in an attempt to extend life. We may all have to depend on a life saving drug someday. But we can do a lot to delay that day. There IS a "drug" available to us that promises to extend life and improve the quality of living at a very economical price. That "drug" is food. Food is medicine; the "pharmacy" is our grocery store; the refrigerator is our "medicine cabinet". About 2500 years ago Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine; let medicine be your food." The idea isn't new; it just hasn't been taken seriously enough.

A good word for "dietary restriction" is "fasting". Fasting is a period during which no solid food is eaten and only water is ingested. Fasting is not starvation. In starvation the body depletes fatty deposits then converts its own protein reserves (muscle) for fuel. In fasting the body depletes excess fatty deposits and non-essential proteins. During a fast the body's metabolic rate (the rate the body burns fuel) slowly reduces about 1% daily. Weindrudh and Walford's research showed that lowering metabolic rates increases longevity. Longevity is linked to the body's energy consumption rate. Efficient "thrifty" fuel users live longer than inefficient "burner" energy users. Those who "burn their candles at both ends" really die too early.

It takes about 24 hours of fasting for the body to deplete glucose and glycogen. Then free amino acids and proteins are converted into fuel. Then triglycerides (fat stores) are drawn on for fuel. The goal of most dieters seeking to lose weight is to deplete their fatty deposits. Significant hormonal changes occur during fasting which directly influence longevity: most notably to insulin and growth hormone (P.Kernt, Western Journal of Medicine, '82). The function of the immune system improves and continues for several days after a fast. During initial stages of a strict fast individuals can expect to experience some food withdrawal symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness, mucous discharge and muscle aches. There are serious health consequences to prolonged fasting. A prolonged fast is a fast for more than four days. No one should attempt a strict prolonged fast without medical supervision. In a prolonged fast the fine line between fasting and starvation has to be carefully monitored by an experienced medical professional.

Certain individuals should not fast:

  • those emaciated by advanced cancer, TB, AIDS or anorexia;
  • during pregnancy and breast feeding;
  • Type I diabetics;
  • infants; children under 2 years of age;
  • those with any kidney disease or failure;
  • those with liver disease;
  • those taking any prescription drugs or hormone therapy;
  • those with MCAD deficiency;
  • alcoholics and regular "social" drinkers;
  • heavy smokers (more than 1 pack daily);
  • those using illegal drugs
  • and anyone apprehensive about the thought of fasting.
A very safe fasting pattern that can be done without supervision is the Monday-Wednesday-Friday fast. Individuals following this pattern eat no solid food and drink water every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Drs. Weindruch and Walford observed success in disease reduction and life extension with this fasting pattern. The average daily calorie consumption during the week will be about 1100 calories.

Another very safe fasting pattern that may be done without supervision is the eat a well-balanced, reasonably proportioned meal only at breakfast or at lunch pattern (not afternoon or evening). Drink only water the rest of the day. Individuals on this pattern should set aside one day a week (i.e. Saturday) as a "feast" day to enjoy 3 reasonably portioned, well-balanced meals. Individuals on this pattern may want to include a quality daily vitamin and mineral supplement. The average daily calorie consumption during the week will be about 1000 calories.

Another safe, but demanding fasting pattern, is the Sunday-Monday-Wednesday-Thursday fast. A person following this fasting pattern will eat no solid food and drink only water on these days. The average daily calorie consumption during the week will be about 900 calories.

Three day and four day fasting should be attempted by individuals experienced with short term fasting techniques. To repeat: no one, even individuals experienced in fasting, should attempt a strict fast longer than four days without professional medical supervision.

Whether fasting is for you or not, here are ten foods scientific research has proven can help people live healthier and longer:
  1. TOMATOES. Major source of strong anti-oxidant lycopene. Canned tomatoes have three times more lycopene than fresh; concentrated pasta sauces have five times more.
    • reduces cancer risks 40%: notably prostate, stomach and lung cancers
    • elderly tomato eaters have superior mental functioning than non-tomato eaters
    • tomato eaters suffer 50% fewer cases of heart disease
  2. OLIVE OIL: major component of Mediterranean diets proven to reduce death from heart disease and cancer. Unlike most vegetable oils, olive oil contains high anti-oxidants.
  3. RED GRAPES: red grape juice and wine ; purple grape juice and wine; contain moderate anti-oxidant levels shown to increase longevity.
  4. NUTS: basic food of prehistoric diet; high in mono-unsaturated fat and Omega-3; research found eating more than 5 ounces unsalted nuts per week lowered female heart attack deaths 40% and helped improve irregular heartbeats in men; almonds and walnuts lower cholesterol
  5. OMEGA-3 FISH: Salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and tuna
    • contain Omega-3, a proven "brain food", heartbeat regulator, artery "scrubber" and joint "lubricant"
    • new research proves Omega-3 helps fight almost every chronic disease known
    • people who eat as little as 1 ounce Omega-3 fish daily and 2 servings (3 oz. each) weekly have significantly lower incidents of arthritis, heart disease, senility, common illnesses and certain cancers
  6. GARLIC: Also packed with anti-oxidants; proven to fend off heart disease and certain cancers; proven to slow aging extending human lifespans 4 to 5 years
  7. SPINACH: Second to garlic as vegetable in anti-oxidant capacity; research at Tufts shows spinach slowed aging brains from degeneration; U.Kentucky research found folic acid in raw/steamed spinach may prevent Alzeimer's disease
  8. WHOLE GRAINS: U.Minn research concluded the more whole grains one eats, the lower the odds of premature death; dark breads, whole grain cereals and oatmeal contain anti-cancer agents and help stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels known to promote longevity and health
  9. BLUEBERRIES: Tufts U. research found blueberries one of the highest foods in anti-oxidants; helps fight cartain cancers and heart disease; 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries daily shown to protect brains from degeneration and even reverse failing memory
  10. PUMPKIN: 1/2 cup fresh cooked or canned pumpkin has 5 times RDA beta-carotene proven to protect from lung cancer, bladder cancer and melanoma
Fasting in combination with a well balanced diet including these ten foods will increase a person's chance of living a healthy and long life.
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