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This information is not intended to provide diagnoses nor to prescribe any medical treatment.

Individuals viewing this material should in ALL cases consult their own medical provider for the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

Individuals taking prescribed medications should ALWAYS consult their physician before taking any herbs: dangerous, even fatal, chemical interactions are possible.

Herbs are NOT regulated by any governmental agency. Variations in the quality of the plant material, accuracy of identification, percentage of herb quantity in the container and amount of contamination vary greatly and may affect the results the consumer experiences.

Traditional uses and "folk" uses are NOT shown. These vary by region and culture. Only effectiveness backed by some research is shown, but most research has been conducted using limited numbers of people in limited situations and await further research for verification.

Use Herbs With Extreme Caution!
Consult Your Doctor First

Achillea - Yarrow - hypoglycemia

Aesculus - Horse Chestnut - chronic venous insufficiency

Aloe Vera - burns heal faster

Acorus - Sweet Flag - unsafe

Arctium - Burdock, Gobo - mild external pain relief

Arctostaphylos - Bearberry - antiseptic, diuretic, astringent

Arnica - no benefit found in research; commonly used for soreness

Astragalus - Huang Qi - Angina relief, cholesterol, triglyceride, apoproteins and lipoprotein levels reduced

Astragalus- Locoweed - Chronic nephritis

Berberis - Barberry, Oregon Grape - leukogenics, anti-arrhythmics & anti-hypertensives.

Borago - Borage - omega-6 lipid-rich

Calendula - duodenal ulcers, colitis, gastroduodenitis

Calophyllum - Punna - piles, scabies, gonorrhea, vaginitis, chickenpox

Caulophyllum - Blue Cohosh - unsafe

Centella - Gotu Kola - venous insufficiency, reducing ankle edema, foot swelling

Cimicifuga - Black Cohosh - symptoms of menopause; safe alternative to estrogen

Cinnamomum - Cinnamon - dry mouth; saliva flow increase

Crataegus - Hawthorn - anxiety, heart rate, blood pressure, shortness of breath and edema

Curcuma - Turmeric - dyspepsia, mild external pain relief

Cynara - Artichoke - dietary carotenoids, anti-clotting

Cynara - Cardoon - unsafe

Echinacea - some cold relief

Equisetum - Horsetail - diuretic; unsafe

Foeniculum - Fennel - colitis

Garcinia - Citrin - ineffective alternative weight control

Garcinia - Bitter Kola - mild respiratory congestion relief

Garcinia.sp - mild external antiinflammatory, antibacterial

Ginkgo - dementia, arterial disease, dermatitis

Guatteria - ineffective

Gymnema - Gurmar - used to help lower blood glucose

Humulus - Hops - sleep disorder

Hydrastis - Goldenseal - circulation, vein tone improvement

Hypericum - St. John's Wort - depression, seasonal affective disorder

Juniperus - ineffective

Kochia - Summer Cypress - internally unsafe; externally is ceremonial body paint

Leonurus - Motherwort - alternative for ergonovine; decreased blood viscosity and fibrinogen volume

Lepidium - Cress - ineffective

Lepidium - Maca - shown unable to increase stamina or fertility

Lobelia - modestly helps patients trying to quit smoking

Mahonia - ineffective kidney tonic or psoriasis salve

Matricaria - Chamomile - for diarrhea, inferior to hydrocortisone in treating sunburns

Mentha/Hedeoma - Pennyroyal - ineffective

Momordica - Bitter Gourd, Karela - shown to improve glucose tolerance somewhat in diabetic patients

Ocimum - Basil - shown to help lower blood sugar level and cholesterol

Origanum - Oregano - shown to increase appetites

Passiflora - Passion Flower - slightly lowers anxiety

Phytolacca - Poke root, Endod - lowers schistosoma

Piper - Kava - anxiety, tension and restlessness; increases memory, vigilance, fluency of mental functions, and reacton time

Prunella - Self Heal - unproven remedy for sore throat, fevers and accelerated wound healing.

Pueraria - Kudzu - excellent clinical results in the treatment of hypertension

Pygeum - African Prune - improvement of urinary symptoms; herpes salve

Ribes - Black Curant - lowers high blood pressure; seed oil rich in GLA (omega 6) & stearidonic (omega 3)

Rosmarinus - Rosemary - for alopecia; increases alertness, lower anxiety; some anti-oxidants

Ruta - Rue - unsafe

Sambucus - Elder - slightly inhibits influenza virus; used in cancer detection

Sanguinaria - Bloodroot - bleeding gums, plaque; sanguinarine mouthwashes has some benefit but less than chlorhexidine

Serenoa - Saw Palmetto - increased urine flow, reduced prostate size in men

Silybum - Milk Thistle - useful in treatment of chronic hepatitis

Smilax - Sarsaparilla - used as one ingredient in medicine to lower blood sugar; helps inhibit fungal growth on skin

Stevia - Sweetleaf - alternative sweetener; sugar substitiute ingredient

Symphytum - Comfrey - slight relief for chronic fatigue syndrome

Tanacetum - Feverfew - slight relief from headaches; not effective for arthritis

Tanacetum - Tansy - useful in treatment of Hepatitis B

Taraxacum - Dandelion - useful ingredient for reducing colitis pain

Terminalia - Myrobalans - part of angina therapy

Trigonella - Fenugreek - lowered cholesterol in heart patients and sugar in diabetics

Urtica - Stinging Nettles - medical use: helps holds down immune reaction cytokines

Vaccinium - Cranberry - some urinary tract benefit

Vaccinium - Bilberry - limited effectiveness; unsafe

Valeriana - Valerian - useful ingredient of sleep disorder therapy

Verbascum - Mullein - slightly effective acne therapy; ineffective skin wrinkle remover

Viburnum - Cramp Bark - useful ingredient; contains Amentoflavone an antiviral and antifungal chemical

Vitex - Chaste - useful ingredient in PMS therapy

Zanthoxylum - Prickly Ash - unsafe

Zingiber - Ginger - slightly effective for morning sickness and post-surgery nausea

Ziziphus - Jujube - ineffective

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