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Grandmother Was Right! Eat Your Vegetables!

Vegetables, fruits and whole grain products are key parts of a healthy diet and are emphasized in the New Pyramid Diet. They provide vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates (starch & fiber) important for good health. They are generally low in fat, depending on how they are prepared and what is added at the table. Consumption of these foods are associated with lower risks of many chronic diseases, including some cancers, and conditions, including high blood pressure.

There is an "obesity epidemic" in America today. Most Americans eat fewer than the recommended number of servings of fruit, vegetable and grain products. Most calories in a healthy diet should come from fruits, vegetables and whole grain products in the form of complex carbohydrates (low glycemic carbohydrates). These groups provide a variety of water soluble dietary fibers which have important health benefits. Because some health benefits of fiber come from other components present in these foods, fiber is best obtained from foods rather than "fiber drinks", pills or supplements. The elderly (who have higher fiber requirements) as well as individuals who are not eating 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily should take a quality fiber supplement. The average American eats just 11 grams of water soluble dietary fiber a day. Fiber-poor diets are associated with a wide range of conditions from hemorrhoids to diverticulitis to high cholesterol to colon cancer. Eat raw fruits and vegetables, potato skins and high fiber cereals. Processing foods destroys fiber. Replace "white" bread and kiddie cereals with whole grain, high-bulk foods.

Vitamins, minerals, fiber, anti-oxidants, low-fat and low sodium qualities make foods from the vegetable, fruit and whole grain group the healthiest choices.

Fruits and vegetables are not only naturally low in fat and cholesterol, they provide most essential nutrients and dietary components important for health. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, carotenoids, folate, anti-oxidants, proteins, minerals and fibers. Scientists are trying to determine how these nutrients work together to reduce the risks for cancer and certain chronic diseases and conditions. Recent discoveries found that Vitamin C may help reduce the internal effects of stress. Folate (a B vitamin) has been found to reduce a certain birth defect. No one fruit or vegetable can provide all of these nutrients; only consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will provide maximum nutritional benefits.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are available by season and region, but frozen & canned fruits and vegetables are available year round. Follow this general guideline:

  • Fresh is healthier than frozen
  • frozen is healthier than canned
  • canned in water or light sugar/salt is healthier than canned in heavy syrup/salty sauces
  • canned is generally healthier than in prepackaged dishes or "convenience" meals
Study the Nutrition Facts Label to select fruits and vegetable servings rich in "other" (complex) carbohydrates, fibers, nutrients and low fat and low sodium. Observe the 2 serving daily limit on high sugar carbohydrate (high glycemic) fruits and juices. Avoid fruits canned in heavy syrup and vegetables combined with fat gravies, sauces, butter, margarine or sodium. Eat starchy vegetables (potatoes, beans, peas) sparingly. Cooked dried beans and peas may be counted as meat substitutes. Remember: rice and corn are grains, not vegetables.

Eat fruits and vegetables raw or lightly steamed for maximum benefit. Inexpensive steamer baskets are widely available; just place fruit or vegetable into basket - put basket inside a large pot with an inch of water in the bottom - cover pot and bring to a boil for 2-3 minutes. Avoid frying, salting and/or buttering vegetables. Avoid sugaring/glazing and/or whip topping fruits. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can raw. The general rule of thumb to follow is:
the more fruits and vegetables are cooked and "prepared", the less nutritional benefits from them are available.

Eat Foods Low in Fat & Cholesterol

A little dietary fat is needed for good health. Fats supply energy, essential acids and promote absorption of vitamins A, D, E & K. Research has repeated proven that high levels of saturated animal fat and cholesterol in a diet is linked to the development of heart disease and certain cancers.

The "New Pyramid Diet" emphasizes consumption of less total fat from all sources, saturated animal fat and cholesterol. Food groups in the upper half of the Modified Food Pyramid (meat, dairy and sweets) contain the most saturated fat and cholesterol. Fat, whether from animal or plant sources, contains more than TWICE the calories of an equal portion of carbohydrate or protein. Eat no more than 10% total calories from saturated animal fat. Meat, milk & dairy products and bakery goods are primary sources of saturated animal fats. All fried foods, whether plant or anumal, add saturated fat to the diet; the cooking oil gets hydrogenated and absorbed into the food being fried. Saturated animal fats raise blood cholesterol. Mono-saturated fat (plant fat) and Polyunsaturated fats (mainly from fish which also contains Omega-3) help reduce blood cholesterol when they replace saturated animal fat in the diet. Mono- and Polyunsaturated fats may also be found in olive oil, canola oil and pure vegetable oil.

Saturated (animal) fat, mono-unsaturated (plant) fat and polyunsaturated (fish) fat are all needed in a healthy diet and in an ideal daily diet would be eaten in equal quantities. A compromise is to balance eating equal amounts of each kind of fat over a two day period. Even so, limit fats from plants, fish and animals to 10% to 30% calorie intake: 160 to 480 calories from fat on a 1600 calorie diet; 180 to 540 calories from fat on an 1800 calorie diet, (etc.).
Remember this daily dietary fat target:

  • 1/3 fat from saturated (animal) fat
  • 1/3 fat from mono-unsaturated (plant) fat
  • 1/3 fat from polyunsaturated (fish) fat which contains essential fatty acids/Omega-3

Eliminate trans-fatty acids (a chemically altered saturated fat) found in margarines, shortenings and most "refined" salad/cooking oils. The body does not need trans-fatty acids and studies show they raise blood cholesterol levels dramatically. It is important to remember that the body manufactures all of the cholesterol it needs. Adding cholesterol from egg yolks, sweets, meat and dairy products will keep blood cholesterol levels high. The low serving guidelines from the meat, dairy and sweets groups in the "New Pyramid Diet" will help keep saturated fat and cholesterol levels down.

Here are some more tips on how to reduce fat and cholesterol in a diet:

  • Steam, boil, bake, broil, microwave vegetables - never fry them

  • Season vegetables lightly with herbs & spices instead of butter, margarine or fatty sauce/gravy
  • Try flavored vinegars or lemon juice on salads or limit to 1 tablespoon oil-based or low-fat dressings
  • Choose whole grain flour based baked goods made with little fat and cholesterol containing ingredients - avoid "white" processed flour baked goods
  • Choose skim or low-fat milk - avoid whole milk or "2% fat" milk
  • Avoid cheeses, margarines & butter
  • Choose seafood, poultry or leanest cuts "white" meat - trim all visible fat before cooking, remove poultry skins before cooking - avoid "red" meats, ham, sausages, hot dogs, bacon and sandwich meats
  • Roast, bake, broil, boil, simmer or steam seafood, poultry or "white" meat - never fry meat
  • Cook seafood, poultry and "white" meat on a rack designed so the fat will drain off - use a non-stick pan so added fat/cooking oil is avoided
  • Chill poultry and "white" meat broth until fat becomes solid - remove fat before using broth
  • Avoid egg yolk - use 2 egg whites in place of a whole egg in recipes

USDA Dietary Guidelines

Avoid The Five "White" Foods


MEAT contains white fat! The average American meat eater puts over 50 pounds of fat (cholesterol) into their body per year! This fat clogs the arteries, ultimately causing the heart attacks and strokes that will kill approximately 50 percent of our population.

Meat is also the primary suspect in causing colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and other forms of cancer. Cancer is responsible for 33 percent of American deaths.

Meat is the primary cause of adult-onset diabetes, which kills 9 percent of our population. Meat has been linked to gout and arthritis and a host of other physical problems.

The meat industry tells us that we need meat for protein and strength, but we are not told that the cooking (especially frying) of meat changes the molecular structure of the protein and renders most protein in meat unusable by the body. If we look to nature, we will find that there is not a single animal in the wild that cooks the flesh it eats! (This is not to advocate eating fresh raw meat.) Eighteen years of research has revealed meat as it is produced and prepared today to be the single most dangerous food that we put into our body.


DAIRY is the second most dangerous "white" substance we can put into our bodies for many of the same reasons as meat. Dairy contains animal fat! "2%" milk really contains 35% fat! We are told milk is the "perfect food", and needed for calcium. But we are not told that the pasteurizing of milk (heating it to temperatures of 160 degrees or higher) changes the natural calcium to an inorganic form, which is difficult for the body to assimilate.

Research links milk and dairy products to the most common allergies, insulin dependent diabetes, respiratory problems, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, other certain cancers, cataracts, certain leukemia and early puberty. Research has also discovered that dairy does not prevent osteoporosis.

In nature, no animal pasteurizes its milk... and no animal drinks the milk of another species, nor does it ever drink milk after the age of weaning. The only source of bad cholesterol is animal products! Animal products are not healthy foods. Eat them sparingly, if at all.


SALT (NaCl) is another white substance that research links to physical problems and suffering, most notably high blood pressure. The body needs sodium, but it must be in an organic form in order to be usable by the body. Table salt, sodium chloride, is an inorganic sodium compound formed by the union of sodium and chlorine that may be toxic to the body, causing it to retain fluid in an effort to keep it in suspension and out of the cells. Salt is also addictive. People who acquire "salty" palates require greater amounts of salt to satisfy their tastes.


SUGAR is the fourth white substance linked to our physical problems. The average American consumes over 150 pounds of sugar per year! Our bodies are not designed to process that amount of sugar! Just 10 teaspoons (approximately the amount found in one soft drink) will immobilize the immune system by about 33%. Approximately 30 teaspoons of sugar will shut down the immune system for a whole day. There is a growing body of evidence that sugar substitutes (used in many "diet" and "low sugar" products) may present serious health hazards. Two of the most popular sugar substitutes (the "pink" and the "blue") already advertise health warnings on their packaging. Sugar is also addictive. Individuals with "sweet tooths" require larger doses of sugar to satisfy their cravings.


WHITE FLOUR, the fifth "white" food to avoid, has had all the good substances (bran and germ) removed during processing. It is bleached, sometimes with a bleaching agent similar to Clorox. Then some coal-tar-derived (carcinogenic) vitamins may be added. This flour is sold to the unsuspecting public as "enriched." WHITE FLOUR is NOT healthy food. The New "Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!" places all "white" bread and products made with "white" flour (pasta) in the top of the Modified Food Pyramid: foods to avoid. Purchase and use whole grain flour and foods made with whole grain flour. Whole grain breads, cereals and pastas are generally available at your grocery store. Much of the same reasoning applies to choosing "brown" rice over "white" processed rice. We encourage you to choose sweet potatoes over "white" potatoes.


In addition to the five white foods, we must also consider the impact of tobacco, drugs and alcohol on our bodies.

If you smoke you should quit. Nicotine in cigarettes is a very addictive drug. Health risks, particularly lung cancer and cancers of the mouth and throat are linked to tobacco use. If you are dieting for health reasons, best to quit smoking first.

Alcohol is addictive. The health risks of alcohol abuse are well documented. Alcohol contributes to more accidental deaths than any other cause in America. Most alcohol products are also very high in sugar. Alcohol and sugar combine to make a "one/two" punch against the body's immune system. If you are dieting for health reasons, control your alcohol consumption first.

Abusing prescription drugs and taking recreational street drugs is playing Russian roulet with your health and life. Some drugs have long term physical and psychological effects that are difficult to treat. Some drugs destroy brain cells, vital organ cells and can kill you. If you abuse drugs, stop while you have the chance. If you are dieting for health reasons, stop abusing drugs first.

Sadly, polls show that most people are aware of how dangerous alcohol, nicotine and drugs are to the body. Most smokers know the health risks, but smoke anyway. Most alcoholics are aware of the health and safety risks, but drink anyway. Most drug abusers know the health and life risks, but "do" drugs anyway.

There is a drug in our food supply that many people consume regularly but fail to realize or appreciate the health risks: caffeine. Caffeine in regular coffee, tea and many soft drinks is a stimulant because it excites nerve endings in our body's effort to rid itself of this substance. If a person drinks three or more cups of regular coffee a day on a regular basis, they will usually develop severe drug withdrawal headaches if they suddenly stop drinking it. The "New Pyramid Diet" strongly advises that you drink decaff coffee and teas, limited to 2 cups daily. Do not drink any soft drink. Follow the "New Pyramid Diet" to eliminate most caffeine from your diet.

Alcohol, nicotine, drugs and caffeine present great health risks and should be eliminated if you seek good health and longevity.

Carbohydrate Confusion?

Many people have tried low-fat, high carbohydrate diets. "Fat" is the enemy. Now low-carbohydrate, high protein diets are popular. Eliminating carbohydrates and sugars are dietary goals. Insulin is the villain to control. Which is best - low carbohydrate or high carbohydrate? The "New Pyramid Diet" answers moderate carbohydrate.

Both the low fat/high carbohydrate diets and the low carbohydrate/high protein diets have their merits and their flaws. The most important flaw is going to a dietary extreme. Moderation and balance of carbohydrates/fats/proteins is the key. Your body requires all three!

Carbohydrates are digested into glucose, the energy sugar that powers the body's cells. High carbohydrate diets (including the USDA Food Guide) provide 60%--75% calories from carbohydrates (way too high); and often limit fats and proteins to low and sometimes unsafe levels (the USDA Food Guide is also high fat! -- little wonder why Americans have an "obesity epidemic"). Low carbohydrate diets limit carbohydrate calories to 25%--40% (way too low); and compensate with fat and protein levels that are high and sometimes risky. The "New Pyramid Diet" targets 45%--50% calories from carbohydrates but the choices the dieter makes determines the final carbohydrate calories.

Certain fruit juices are high in carbohydrate calories. Most "white" flour breads and products are high in carbohydrate calories and need to be limited. The "New Pyramid Diet considers all "white" flour products as "sweets" to limit or eliminate. The Nutrition Facts Label helps the consumer understand the sources of carbohydrates. Choose foods higher in dietary fiber and what the Nutrition Facts Label identifies as "other" carbohydrates.

Avoid high glycemic carbohydrates with high levels of natural sugars (milk lactose; fruit fructose; corn dextrose) and added sugars. Sugars are "simple" carbohydrates: small molecular chains. These digest quickly and can upset insulin levels. Foods in the top level of the Modified Food Pyramid contain the most sugars. "Other" carbohydrates are complex molecular chains digested more slowly. These are found in the lower groups of the Modified Food Pyramid. Know and choose low glycemic carbohydrates ("other" or "complex") over high glycemic ("simple") carbohydrates. Try to eat 2/3 or more low glycemic carbohydrates and 1/3 or less high glycemic carbohydrates daily.

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This new "common sense" diet is simply one of the best diets available. And it is free!
This diet can help you lose weight, maintain healthy weight, eat healthier and live longer.
This diet can lower risks for heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis and conditions.
The $mart $hopper Guide can help you become a wiser consumer and save money on groceries.
The New Pyramid Diet is the last diet you will ever need. It is a diet for the rest of your life.

Copyright 1999. The "New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!" Association. Used by permission. [email protected]

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