New Pyramid Diet

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What are the facts about weight loss?

Being obese has serious health consequences. These include (but is not limited to) heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, gallstones, kidney stones and certain cancers. Medical studies confirm over and over that losing weight is the most effective way to reduce these risks. The dieter should keep these general points in mind:
  • Before starting any diet, consult your doctor!
  • Have an incentive! Without an incentive to lose weight the dieter has no motive and no motivation. Common incentives are improved health, lower blood pressure, smaller clothes sizes, and improved self-esteem.
  • Make losing weight THE #1 priority. Focus on this priority constantly. Remain focused on this priority at parties, restuarants and buffet lines.
  • Set a goal, a target weight. Post your goal over your bathroom scale. Monitor your progress daily.
  • Lose weight with a friend, family member or people with whom daily contact, understanding, advice, ideas, recipes, praise and support can be sustained over time.
  • Claims of effortless weight loss are false. Weight loss comes from either reducing caloric consumption (eating less) or increasing calories burned off through increased exercise. A combination of both is strongly recommended.
  • Be Realistic: Make small changes over time in what you eat and the level of activity you do. Walk before you run.
  • Be Active: Walk, don't just watch others walk. Climb the stairs, forget the elevator. Learn a physically active sport.
  • Be Flexible: Balance what you eat and the physical activity you do over several days. Don't panic if you must skip a day of exercise.
  • Eat a variety of foods for better nutrition, health and dieting attitude. Avoid monotonous menus of foods, especially of edibles barely tolerated or palpable.
  • Be Adventurous: Expand your tastes to enjoy a variety of foods. There are new favorite foods waiting for your palate!
  • Very low-calorie diets have medical risks that require qualified medical supervision. Unsupervised (do-it-yourself) very low-calorie diets can cause dangerous nutrient deprivation.
  • Fad diets seldom have permanent results. Maintaining sudden changes in eating habits is difficult. "Crash" diets often send dieters into cycles of quick weight loss; "rebound" weight gain when "normal" eating resumes; more difficult dieting next attempt.
  • Be Sensible: Eating is a joy -- not a chore! Enjoy foods -- just don't overeat any. Practice the "Push Away From The Table Exercise".
  • To lose weight permanently and safely requires long-term changes in attitudes and in daily eating and exercise habits.
  • Study the Nutrition Facts label to discover what's REALLY in a food product - avoid those items that have substancial amounts of foods from restricted groups (i.e. dairy) or lots of chemicals and dyes (if it's difficult to pronounce then don't eat it).
  • You will be tempted! Most TV food advertisements feature favorite servings of great tasting edibles - focus instead on the weight loss goal - say "It's not healthy."
  • Pray! Yes, pray hard. No matter the religion - pray. Give thanks for weight loss. Pray for strength when tempted. Pray for good health. Seek forgiveness after cheating. Pray for support. Pray those pounds away! Amen!

More Diet Tips:

  1. Get a medical opinion before starting any diet.

  2. Write your weight goal and post it where you'll see it everyday.
  3. You alone are responsible for what you do & what you decide to eat.
  4. Eat to live, not live to eat. Overeating can KILL you!
  5. Repeat to yourself: "I'm learning a way to live, not just a way to diet."
  6. Water is essential to all bodily functions and has no calories. It is the perfect drink for dieters. You need eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily.
  7. Be happy: you're OK! Resisting all those tempting foods is NOT going to kill you.
  8. You cannot eat food you don't buy or make.
  9. Limit your time in the grocery store. The longer you stay, the more you will buy.
  10. You can't enjoy life, family, or beauty without good health.
  11. Remember the healthy cook's "B.S.": Broil, bake, boil, steam, saute (without oil); never fry! Avoid adding fats, sauces, flour, or salt. You'll be healthier!
  12. Avoid high-calorie, high fat, high cholesterol, high sugar and/or high salt foods.
  13. Be patient - it took years to gain weight; it takes time to lose weight.
  14. A second on the lips, forever on the hips: savor the taste of just a little food a little longer.
  15. "Nibble" food and "linger" over drinks. Do the "Push Away From The Table Exercise."
  16. Chew your food completely: digestion begins in the mouth. Avoid "washing" half-chewed food down.
  17. Let someone else be the walking garbage disposal: you are no longer responsible for eating up the leftovers after a meal.
  18. When you're on vacation remember your diet is NOT on vacation.
  19. Success is when you can look beyond food...and look down and see your feet.
  20. Each day you stay on your weight-loss diet brings you closer to your weight goal.
  21. The purpose of getting together with people is to enjoy their company...not eating.
  22. Chart or graph your weight loss and serving selections.
  23. Take small servings - avoid gorging yourself. Being "full" is a miserable feeling.
  24. Consuming most calories in one big meal is the worst way to diet. Eat 4 or 5 small meals rather than in one all-out feeding frenzy.
  25. If your schedule only permits you to eat one major meal in a day, eat it in the morning to midday hours rather than afternoon/evening hours.
  26. Lose weight with a supportive friend or in a support group.

Mind What You Eat

Mind what you eat: Too often, we eat without noticing or appreciating the food. Think about your last meal. Can you recall if you enjoyed it? Can you recall it at all? Do you find yourself eating something not because you are hungry, but because you just want it? In a recent study, when people were asked to list all of the foods they had eaten at the end of the day they could remember, on average, only about 65% of what they had actually eaten. Such absent minded eating can lead to unintended weight gain. Simply being inattentive to what you eat does not translate into eating less. A healthy alternative is to do what we call eating "mindfully," paying careful attention to what we eat. Remember: Food is medicine, the grocery store is the pharmacy, the refrigerator is the medicine cabinet. And remember: "You are what you eat."

Motivate yourself: Once you decide to start losing weight, your chances of success increase if you take the time to motivate yourself. First, draw a clear picture of why you want to lose weight. Write down three to ten specific reasons. Place these reasons where you will have to read them everyday. For many people the main reason is health. For others it may be an emotional decision. You want to be pleased with what you see in the mirror. More diets fail from a lack of motivation than a lack of will power.

Set realistic goals: A healthy short-term goal is to lose two pounds per week. Given that, look at a calendar and determine when you can expect to reach your weight goal. "Lose twenty pounds in ten weeks." Write the date down. The "New Pyramid Diet" should bring you quicker results. Better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed. Now you have a weight goal within a reasonable time frame. Don't get angry at yourself if you don't lose weight on your schedule. Just get angry if you are not losing any weight!

You should avoid eating the same boring foods. You'll soon be saying, "I can't follow this diet!" Anyone who is sufficiently motivated can follow the "New Pyramid Diet" Weight Loss Program. The key is to select a variety of foods from the food groups. Mindfully select the right foods to eat. Think of the typical American dinner plate: heavy on calories, fat and protein and light on carbohydrates. By contrast, the "Pyramid Diet" will give lots of space on your plate for pasta, potatoes, rice or other whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Put thought and time on the preparation of your grains, fruits and vegetables. This will help you de-emphasize meat, chicken or fish, which should be limited to three ounce servings (about the size of a deck of cards). When asked, "What's for dinner?" answer with a vegetable or grain, not a meat. Finally, make eating a special event. Serve your well planned and carefully prepared meal attractively in pleasant surroundings.

Select the right exercises: do something you enjoy. Avoid the "chore" of exercising just to exercise. Being active will not only help you take of excess weight but also help maintain the loss for the long term. By performing a regular aerobic exercise such as walking or biking, you raise your metabolic rate and burn more calories.

Forgive and forget and try again: Once you have successfully adopted a new attitude and learned to eat right for life, the challenge is to maintain that change. One key to doing that is not being too inflexible. Remember, most people have lapses and need to allow themselves some room. Feeling guilty and defeated by a lack of will power is a sure way to doom any diet. It may become a poor excuse to quit a diet. A championship team rarely has an undefeated season. But they wouldn't be champions if they decided not to try to win anymore games after their first defeat, would they? The point is to see your lapses as isolated slip-ups, not as total catastrophes. Instead of viewing your diet lapses as defeats, try to learn more from them. Note the sequence of events that proceeded them. Above all, watch what you're thinking. Tune out: "I'll never be able to do this in a hundred years." Change it to: "I can do it. I'm ready to take care of myself." You'll be surprised how much your body and others around you will notice the difference.

Plateaus - What Are They?

One of the more frustrating experiences while attempting to lose weight is when, after following the prescribed diet carefully, weight loss slows down and levels off at a level considered overweight. What happened? This is a "plateau" and is part of the body's reaction to dieting. The lower calorie consumption causes the body to shift metabolism into a slower "survival" mode. The body also seeks new fatty deposits it can burn for energy. Plateaus may last from 2 to 7 days, often depending on how much the dieter consumes during the plateau period and the weight of the dieter. Too often the dieter becomes frustrated during a plateau and consumes more calories/fats in bouts of "stress-relief" eating. This may lead to a cycle that dooms the diet to failure because the body processes the food into fat deposits as a nutrient insurance against the next calorie restriction. This "rebound" frustrates the dieter even more as weight increases. It is important for the dieter to understand that plateaus are temporary body adjustments to a change in eating habits and that weight loss will resume if the dieter can be patient and disciplined enough to maintain the diet even though results are not immediate. The "New Pyramid Diet" is not a temporary diet - it is a diet for the rest of life. Individuals have different metabolisms and their bodies react to diets uniquely. One person may experience quicker weight loss than another even if they eat exactly alike. The "fast" weight loser is NOT more successful than the "slow" weight loser. Such thinking is both misinformed about individual uniquenesses and destructive to the slower weight loser. The more accurate measure of eating the proper servings is the bathroom scale readout. The dieter who plateaus and experiences no appreciable weight loss for more than a week should start eating smaller servings - cutting down simple carbohydrates in the whole grain/pasta/rice group and fats in the dairy and meat groups. The "New Pyramid Diet" is a moderate carbohydrate/moderate protein/low fat diet. Your Grandmother was right - eat your vegetables!

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Diet|New Pyramid Diet|New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life! | Dieting Tips
This new "common sense" diet is simply one of the best available... And it is free!
This diet can help most lose weight, maintain healthy weight, eat healthier and live longer.
This diet can help lower risks for heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis and conditions.
The $mart $hopper Guide can help most make healthier food choices and save grocery money.
The New Pyramid Diet is the last diet most will ever need. It is a diet for the rest of your life.

Copyright 1999. The "New Pyramid Diet: Eat Right For Life!" Association. Used by permission. [email protected]
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