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What's New?

Wednesday 24/09/05
The Teachers series 4 DVD will be released on the 3rd of October. Thanks to Guy Blake for the info.

Thursday 28/04/05
Added remaining songs from series 4 to Name That Tune. Thank you to Simon Fallaha!
Wednesday 13/04/05
Navin Chowdhry (Kurt) will be appearing in Doctor Who on Saturday 16th and Saturday 23rd of April, 7pm, BBC1. The episodes are repeated the following day at 7pm on BBC3
Monday 28/02/05
Adam Ducker has created an online petition to save Teachers. Please take a couple of seconds to sign it and lett Channel 4 know if you want to save Teachers!
Save Teachers!
Friday 18/02/05
Apologies are in order. Almost two months and no updates. I'm sorry! Here's one for you though. Thank you to Guy Blake for his transcript of series 3, episode 2.
More updates coming soon. I promise!
Tuesday 21/12/04
New in By The Fans, the first ever (That I know of) Teachers fanfic. It's called The Lost Episode. Set during series 4 and featuring Brian and Kurt. How? Well, read it and find out.
Lots of updates today, to make up for the complete lack recently. First up, Thanks to Guy Blake for his transcript of Series 2, Episode 1. Also, thanks to Simon Fallaha for three new links in the links section as well as some new additions to Name That Tune and two new quotes
Wednesday 17/11/04
Added Simon Fallaha's review of series 4, episode 4
Tuesday 09/11/04
Added a review of Series 4, Episode 2. Thanks to Simon Fallaha for that.
Sunday 31/10/04
Two new links added, C4's new Teachers section, and the C4 Teachers Forum. Thanks to Natasha Horada for those. You'll find both in the links section
Friday 29/10/04
Added another review of series 4, episode 1. Thanks to Simon Fallaha for that.
Thursday 28/10/04
Added a whole new section, Unanswered questions. I hate not having an explanation for things, so I decided to come up with my own, and anyone who wants to do the same is very welcome. First up, what happened to Brian, Kurt and Matt?
Also added another review of series 4, episode 1. Thanks to Pete Scrowther for that.
Wednesday 27/10/04
Updated Name That Tune to include series 4, with the soundrtack to episode one included (thanks to Simon Fallaha). Also, on the subject of music, check out the news section for info on the series 4 soundtrack
Tuesday 26/10/04
Added a (slightly rushed) review of series 4, episode 1. Incidentlly, if anyone wants to write their own review of an episode (or all of them) from the new series, I'd be glad to put them up too.
Sunday 24/10/04
Added a new wallpaper in downloads.
Sunday 17/10/04
New in By the Fans a review by Simon Fallaha of the John Godber play 'Teechers', a play with a play with a surprisingly familiar sounding plot.
Friday 15/10/04
New transcript added Series 2, Episode 8, the one where Simon leaves. Thank you to Guy Blake for doing it.
Thursday 14/10/04
A new quiz in the quiz section, this time about the cast. Thanks to Simon Fallaha for that.
Wednesday 06/10/04
Small updates in the Name that tune, Quotes and TV Guide sections, all thanks to Simon Fallaha
Monday 06/09/04
News for Navin Chowdhry fans over in the news section.
Wednesday 25/08/04
Whole new section added, the TV Guide. Here you'll find info on where and when Teachers and other shows featuring the cast are shown. I'm going to have to ask for help on this though, I'm trying to list everything in every country, so if anyone spots anything that I've not listed, I'd really appreciate it if you'd send me an E-Mail to let me know.
Friday 20/08/04
Another link added, an interview with Andrew Lincoln. You'll find it, not surprisingly, in the links section. Thanks to Simon Fallaha for sending it.
Wednesday 18/08/04
Two new links added to the links section, one an interview with one of the writers, the other a short article from the local news site of someone who's playing a pupil in the new series. Thank you to Guy Blake for sending them.
Thursday 22/07/04
Just to let you know, I'm going on holiday for two weeks, so I won't be around. If you have any questions or things you want to say, continue to E-mail me, it will just take longer for me to reply.
See you in two weeks!
Saturday 10/07/04
The release date for the Series 3 DVD had been set for 1/11/04. More on this in the news and merchandise sections. Also, thanks to Guy Blake for sending a new link, which you will find at the bottom of the list in the links section.
Monday 28/06/04
More news regarding series 4 in the news section.
Friday 18/06/04
New news regarding the cast of series 4, as well as a picture, in the news section. Thanks to Christina for that. Also a new link added, to Christina's Lee Williams fansite (one of the cast of series 4).
Wednesday 09/06/04
Added a new quiz, Series 2, episode 10 to the Quiz section. Thanks to Simon Fallaha for writing it.
Wednesday 09/06/04
Added a new link to the links section, an interview with Navin Chowdrhy. Thanks to Derek for telling me about it. Thanks to the interview, the news section has also been updated.
The Name That Tune songs section is coming along nicely, if you haven't checked since it first went up there have been a few additions, although I still need song names for many episodes if anyone knows them.
I am considering adding a new section to the site, and would like (once again) to appeal for help. If anyone has spotted any film references in episodes of Teachers, I'd love to hear about them. Check the forum for more details

Friday 21/05/04
Finally made a start on the long promised songs section, Name That Tune, it's woefully incomplete, but I am working on it, and I would appreciate any help anyone can give. There you'll find a list of the songs played in various episodes, most of series 2 is covered so far. Series 1 is incomplete and series 3 not yet started. It will get done eventually though, I promise.

Friday 30/04/04
New news in the news section, for anyone whose interested in when they'll be able to buy series 3. Thanks to Tom Young for that.

Thursday 22/04/04
A new link in the links section, this time to an interview with James Lance. Thanks to Helen Pocket for finding that. Also, season 4 news in the news section, though it's not great news for Navin Chowdhry fans. Thanks to Martin Lewis for finding that.

Saturday 17/04/04
Added a new link, this one's to the BBC for an interview with Raquel Cassidy. Thanks to Simon Fallaha for finding it!

Wednesday 07/03/04
Check out the news section for info on the Series 3 DVDs and videos.

Wednesday 31/03/04
Another new link in the links section, an interview with Vicky Hall (Lindsey). Thanks to Guy Blake for finding it!
Wednesday 24/03/04
A new link in the links section to C4's past chats homepage, where you'll find chats with most of the main characters. Also new news, E4 will be repeating series 3, see the news section for more info or read the scrolling text at the top of the page.

Thursday 18/3/04
Added a new quiz, test your knowledge of Series 2, Episode 4.

Thursday 4/3/04
Added screencaps for Series 1, Episode 7, the one where there's porn all over the school and Simpon worries he's going to become a dirty old man.

Thursday 12/2/04
I removed the old forum. If there was any topics in there that you still want to discuss you can start them again in the new one. If for some reason you need to get into the old forum and haven't got the address, mail me and I will send it to you. I hope everyone enjoys chatting in the new forum. Feel free to talk about aything you want, and if you'd like a new section added to it, just ask.

Wednesday 4/2/04
Added a new section By the fans for anything anyone wants to write or draw to do with Teachers. There's one thing in there so far, an article by Simon Fallaha, Teachers Like These, written for his university magazine. Enjoy.

Thursday 22/1/04
Added the transcript to series 2, episode 4, (the one where Simon and Kurt convince Brian he's gay). Thanks again to Helen Pockett for transcribing it!

Tuesday 20/1/04
Interesting new news in the news section.

Thursday 15/1/04
Created a new forum. I know that seems a bit OTT, especially considering no one uses the old one, but this one is much better. The old one would have stopped working after 50 messages had been posted, and call me over ambitious, but I was hoping it would be more popular than that eventually. Anyway, I'll get rid of the old one in about a month, so move any topics you want to keep to the new one and start as many new topics as you want. You don't need to sign up to join the new forum, but it's cool if you do. Come and see, because I'm the only one that's posted there so far! It's the link in the menu called 'The new forum' in case you didn't guess.

Thursday 8/1/04
Added the transcript to series 2, episode 5, the one where Jenny and Alec are driving Susan mad with their gross lovey-doveyness (is that a word?). Thanks again to Helen Pockett for transcribing it!

Monday 5/1/04
Added the transcript to series 2, episode 10, the one with the Christmas party. Thanks to Helen Pockett for transcribing it!

Thursday 27/11/03
Added screencaps for series 1, episode 3, (the one where Simon moves in with Brian and Kurt and gets Maggie back)

Also added a new quiz, series 1, episode 2.

Friday 21/11/03
Added screencaps for series 1, episode 8, (the one where Simon has his interview and Kurt gets together with Carol)
Added a new wallpaper in the downloads section, a Kurt one.
The polls are back! I don't know whether they'll stay though, but if they go wrong again I'll get rid for good.

Wednesday 19/11/03
Another whole new section, Quotes. Read other people's favourite quotes, then submit your own. Hours of fun!
I've also added a News section, there's even some news in there! We've got an ETA for series 3 videos and DVDs.

Tuesday 18/11/03
Added another size wallpaper 1152x864. Sorry I didn't have it up at first.

Monday 17/11/03
Added a whole new section, Downloads. There's not a lot there yet, but you can get yourself a Teachers wallpaper for your desktop

Friday 14/11/03
Added screencaps for series 2, episode 4, the one where Brian thinks he's gay.

Thursday 13/11/03
Added a new transcript, series 1, episode 2. Enjoy!

Tuesday 11/11/03
Added screencaps for Series 1, Episode 2.
Added some more links to the Links section.

Friday 7/11/03
Changed the quiz for Series 1, Episode 1. There are a few more questions now. Thank you to Katie Green for sending some sugestions!
I've also added character info for Susan and Jenny in the character guide and sorted out the episode guide.

Thursday 6/11/03
Added a links section full of other stuff you can look at. Most of it you've probably already seen, but there might be something new there.

Wednesday 5/11/03
I just noticed there was some weird symbols all over loads of stuff, for some reason. I've sorted most of it, though there's some more I'm going to do later. Sorry about that. If anyone notices any more sometime, could you tell me about it?

Monday 3/11/03
Added screencaps from Series 2, episode 9. Enjoy!

Sunday 2/11/03
Added a forum, where you can yo and post messages and stuff. I know things like that never work and just end up pretty much abandoned, but who knows, this could be the exception. Or not. Anyway, if you've got something to say, check it out.

Added a review of series 3, episode 12

Saturday 1/11/03
Added a review of series 1, episode 2.

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