Nothing here. storycorner techie me poetry grab bag dreams people drawings links Credits

GordeonBleu. Now with more legroom.
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--October 19, 2006--
If you're accessing this site through the address, you'll now be treated to error pages customized with a bit of my character whenever you stumble upon a missing page. Technically speaking, they're 401, 403, 404 error pages, which correspond to 'unauthorized', 'forbidden', and 'not found' respectively.

--October 15, 2006--
My design work for Lauren and David on the San Francisco Young Playwrights Festival is now under the official site's address -! Also, my main host for this site is experiencing critical server issues, so expect to see downtime for at least another week. You'll know when it's over because when it happens, you'll finally be able to see this warning (har har).

--August 25, 2006--
The picture frames look on this GordeonBleu front page is now a little over a year old. I've been meaning to update the look, as well as the underlying code to more accurately reflect my current skill set in XHTML/CSS, but I've been involved in other volunteer projects.

Here's what I've been working on during the past couple days: The Berkeley Project. This is my second and final look, which supersedes the original pastel look I created in early July. Additionally, I've also more or less completed a candidate facelift San Francisco Young Playwrights Festival site.

--July 16, 2006--
Dear GeoCities,

I've been with you a long time, a little over seven and a half years to be exact. My first webpage was a purple monstrosity with six humble little cyan links that formed most of the core sections of what is now affectionately called GordeonBleu. I've been through firewall site blocks, an acquisition by Yahoo!, a deactivated account on absolutely no notice whatsoever, numerous domain name changes, and all those years of coding in harmony with your obtrusive ads. I've put up with GeoCities, despite its horrible reputation and stereotypes as a wasteland of allegedly horribly designed sites and colors, partly to prove otherwise and partly because of loyalty. I've remained with GeoCities, even in the advent of far superior alternatives.

But you've pushed it this time. The straw on the camel's back. Choose your saying. By locking me out of the last 3% of meager allocated disk space to which I'm entitled, you have destroyed every last inkling of respect I reserved for you. I'm leaving, GeoCities. It's been a tumultuous seven and a half years, but I'd outgrown you a long time ago.

--July 14, 2006--
Although I've had a front page redesign in mind for GordeonBleu, I've been postponing it to make room for my Threadless endeavours, of which only Deer Crossing, Little #ff0000 Riding Hood, and Origami Mafiani have made it pass the initial nods by the judging panel. One completed illustration is currently under revision, and another three are lounging around in the form of rough sketches. But while I'm here, I'd like to bring to your attention Myopia Utopia, a team effort between Bri and me.

--June 5, 2006--
I've passed up quite a few webdesign contests in the past, but when The Style Contest came along, I couldn't resist for two reasons - that we would be designing skins for LiveJournal, and all of SixApart's other blog services, and that it would be a CSS challenge. I had to work within the restrictions of their template (their HTML file, where we would logically edit the CSS stylesheet). I waited until the last minute because of the crunch time of final exams for the spring semester, but I did churn out two skins - Cookies 'n Cream and Digital Violet.

--May 22, 2006--
Minor update. The page styling page has been spiced up. It was great fun to make.

--May 18-19-20, 2006--
Because I want to leave StoryCorner and Imagine as my remaining classic designs, I gave Imagine a relatively modest facelift to preserve the original green shades. 2001 version here. The violet flowers took me quite a while to make. (5.19.06). Also, I've updated the banner at the Typography (Fonts) section. (5.18.06). Grab Bag section has had some layout fixing, as well as a repositioned, enlarged logo. (5.20.06).

--April 22, 2006--
I have completed the purple-ification of The HTML Workshop, also known as the techie section. The previous version is still around because it's one of my increasingly rare examples of my minimalist graphics pages from the past. And a bonus: I've been working on the visual identity and branding of the OCF organization.

--March 24, 2006--
I've finally updated the look of the people section. The previous version is still around because I still like the quilt people. But I've been wanting to rely on my own graphics, so the quilt people had to go. Hate it, like it, feel free to let me know. (Individual pages haven't been updated yet.)

--March 18, 2006--
I've changed the name and the header image for my panoramic photo section, now named panorama diorama. Being panoramic photos, the images are so wide that they'll cause horizontal scrollbars for users with 800 x 600 screen resolutions. I'd prefer not to further rescale my panoramas, as I had already sacrificed a lot of detail doing so back in January 2005.

(Also: Oops! I just realized that I've linked to the wrong page for folio this entire time. It's fixed now.)

--March 10-11, 2006--
I've finally taken some time to redesign the studio:margin section. It remains true to the brown and pink color scheme of the original. I'm not sure if I'm 100% happy with the design just yet, but I've uploaded it online with the hope of receiving some feedback. (A bit of trivia: 100% tableless layout and xhtml1.0 transitional. Not bad for Notepad handcoding.)

--March 5, 2006--
With the two weeks of midterms finally over, I converted two four of my cartoons into vector images using Adobe Illustrator CS2's Live Trace. They've been posted at the still-beta studio:margin.

--February 19, 2006--
Behind the scenes: I'm in the process of recoding StoryCorner in divs and CSS id's, while keeping the classic 2001 design exactly as it is. If you don't know what that means, ignore this update.

--February 18, 2006--
One addition to studio:margin. I've also used swappable CSS stylesheets on the Links section (so far, only for text size adjustments). I'll expand to entire alternate styles when time permits. Note that the swapping won't work if you're viewing under the GeoCities mirror of this site (because GeoCities is stupid about littering our pages with their own quirky code. The pure version is at the OCF Berkeley mirror.

--February 4, 2006--
The Techie section (HTML Workshop) now has a purple navigation bar, except on the Techie front page. I plan to purple-fy it some more when I find the time.

--January 29, 2006--
For kicks, I created an iPod-flavored index page. Feedback is welcomed. (Yes, I do realize I placed a 3g screen on a 4g body.)

--January 28, 2006--
New section. I call it studio:margin because so far, it consists of very rough amateur cartoon strips done in the margins of my lecture notes. Hopefully, a tablet PC or Wacom tablet (and maybe some better non-copying drawing skills) will crash through the ceiling and land in my lap. But until then, I'm declaring a beta mode until the content begins to look more professionally done.

Earlier updates here.

Recent Activity: iPod-flavored GBleu | studio:margin | panorama diorama | people

- blogs at xanga or livejournal -

   Hand-coded on Notepad.
   Plays well with Firefox, Opera, & IE. [+]
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Time Machine: Fly way, way, way, way, way...back!

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© 1998 - . GordeonBleu. The Works of Gordon Mei.
Dedicated to my dear friend Brianna Lee.

And with great gratitude to Tommy Triebwasser and all my dear friends and family.
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