The Cowrie Thumbguide

Live Cyprea asellus Most cowries inhabit the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. They are among the most collectable and popular of all shells, being brightly colored, glossy and smooth - all produced by the envoloping fleshy mantle. The aperture of adult specimins is slit-like and generally "toothed", and it appears to be on the lower surface since the body whorl grows over and encases the shell spire. There are more than 200 different species, all of which are omnivorous- active at night feeding on hydroids and other similair small creatures, but there are numerous local variations in size and colour. Primitive peoples use them as ornaments, religious symbols, and money. In the first stage of its growth, a cowrie developes a short, pointed spire and a large body whorl; then the body envelopes the spire and its growing edge thickens; finally, it forms teeth along each side of the restricted aperture. The basic shape varies little, but the species differ greatly in size, color, pattern, arrangement of the apertural teeth, and margins. The line seen down the length of the shell is where the animals mantle flaps meet. Active at night, but hidden by day, these animals feed on algae around coral reefs. Live Cyprea argus


The names correlate to the pictures, just click on the name of the cowrie to display a full picture and information on the cowrie.

- arabica - argus - aurantium - broderipii - camelopardaalis - carneola - cervinneta - cervus

- cinerea - decipiens - depressa - eglantina - exusta - friendii - fultoni - histrio

- incomparaind - isabella - jeaniana - leucodon - lurida - lynx - maculifera - mappa

- marginata - mariellae - mauritiana - mus - nivosa - pantherina - perlae - porteri

- reevei - rosseli - schildorerum - scurra - stercoraria - sulcidentantta - talpa - tesselata

- testudinaria - teulerei - thersites - tigris - valentia - ventricules - venusta - vitellus - zebra

Any pictures that are not mine, and not listed here, link to the original page.
Melvin, A.G., Sea Shells of the World with Values, Tuttle Company, Tokyo, 1984.
Woodward, F., Identifying Shells, Chartwell Books, New Jersey, 1993.
Abbott, R.T., Seashells of the World, Golden Press, New York, 1962.
Abbott, R.T., Seashells, Ridge Press, New York, 1976.
Oliver, A.P.H., Shells of the World, Larousse, New York, 1980.
Abott, R.T., Seashells of North America Revised Edition, Golden Press, New York, 1986.
Burgess, C.M., Cowries of the World, Gordon Verhoef, 1985.
Dance, P.S., Shells, Dorling Kindersley, Inc., New York, 1992
Sabelli, B., Simon and Schuster's Guide to Shells, Fire Side, New York, 1980
Triton's Trumpet Guam Shell Club of the University of Guam, Guam.
Photo Credits: Private collection and The Shellgallery

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