Dragons Hockey

Dragons News

Fall Schedule Due Out on the 31st
Will it be another E Season or Back to F? (8/26)

The new Fall schedule is due out on August 31st and the Dragons await the division assignment. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes known.

Playoffs End Early for Dragons
Lizzards Take an 8-3 W (8/26)

The Dragons put up a gallant front against the Lizzards but had no answer for the six goals scored by the Lizzards' Huck. With backup netminder DAve Stewart in net for the second straight game the Dragons actually were only down 2-1 afterone period but it was all Huck All the Huck and nothig but the Huck the rest of the way.

This closes the summer season for the Blanc et Rouge who now await their Fall schedule which is due out soon.

Dragons Drop Finale
Tomahawks Pour It On (8/24)

The Dragons dropped the season ender to the Tomahawks 11-2. Playing shorthanded (a theme this season), the Dragons could not keep up with the Tomahawks. With a Backup goalie and only 4 skaters, the Dragons actually outshot the opposition but could not find the net enough.

The Dragons now face the Spkiy Lizzards in the first round of the playoffs on Wednesday 8/24 at 9PM.

Dragons Fall 9-1
Caught Lookling Towards Playoffs? (8/20)

The Dragons fell 9-1 to the Yellow jackets tonight. With Only 4 skaters and a substitute goalie, the Dragons were in trouble from the start. Subbing in net for the vacationing Eric Vieweg and Dave Spencer was Dave Carter. On the floor were Mike U, Rit Carter, Dave Shelto and Mike Connors. They put forth a valiant effort in protecting the rookie netminder.

With the score only 2-0 after 3 minutes of play, Shelto scored on an assist from Connors but it was all Yellowjackets the rest of the way as they scored seven unanswered goals to finish out the Dragons. Netminder Carter stopped 18 of 27 shots including a PENALTY SHOT!

Despite the effort the Dragons are next in action Sunday 8/21 at 6pm vs the Tomahawks.

Big Dogs Notch W
Dragons Victims of Their Effort (8/19)

The Big Dogs notched their first win of the season over an unispired Dragons squad last Saturday night. The Dogs beat the Dragons to the ball all night long and seemed to want the game more than the playoff bound Blanc et Rouge.

Scoring for Dragons were Jim Gaglione and Mike Connors. Adding helpers were Dave shelto, Aaron Rutsky and Dennis Connors. Once again keeping the Dragons close was netminder Eric Vieweg, stopping 27 of 30 shots on net.

Up next for the goalie-less Dragons as both net minders for the Dragons are on vacation is the Yellow Jackets Saturday Aug 20 at 9PM and the the Tomahawks on Sun the 21st at 6PM.

Dragons Split Two
Beat Tomahawks - Lose to Lizards (8/7)

Over the past week, the Dragons split two games, winning 4-1 over the Tomahawks and losing 7-3 to the Spiky Lizards.

In the win over the Tomahawks - four different Dragons scored, Jim Gaglione, Mike Connors, Aaron Rutsky and Dave Sencer. Adding Assists were Rutsky (2), Gaglione (2), Spencer and Dave Carter. The Tomahawks scored first at the 2:22 mark of the first period then Dragons tightened up the D and did not allow a goal the rest of the way. The Dragons outshot the opponents 29-23 as netminder Eric Vieweg was stellar between the pipes.

In the loss this past saturday night, it was a frustrating night for the blanc et rouge. They came out sluggish to start and found themselves down 3-0 halfway through the second period. Scoring for the Dragons were Gaglione, Rutsky and Dave Shelto. Adding helpers were Rutsky (2), Gaglione (2), and Rit Carter.Eric Vieweg was again stellar in net but was not supported by the team's defense as the Dragons were outshot 39-26.

Up next for the Dragons, is the Big Dogs on Saturday August 13 at 9PM.

Garner Split With Yellowjackets
Trade 4-3 Scores (7/24)

There's nothing as exciting as playing against a team with no goalie. And the Dragons certainly put the excitment into their return matchup with the Yellowjackets last week. Already having lost their first game against the Jackets 4-3, the Dragons could not wait to fall behind in the rematch. They were down 3-0 late in the second period but two goals - one by Jim Gaglione and the other by Mike Ugliorolo - sent the Jackets reeling. And then goals in the third by Rit Carter and Mick Pechenuk clinched the desparate victory. The Dragons prevailed despite having 2 - yes two goals nullified by offsides calls.

In the first game the teams were matched fairly well and with 1:33 left in the second Mike Connors tied it up at three all. But early in the third the Jackets netted the go ahead goal and the Dragons could not get it back. Scoring in the first game were Gaglione, Connors and Pechenuk. Adding helpers in that game were Dennis Connors, Mike Connors, and Pechenuk.

Adding helpers in the second game were Aaron Rutsky (3), Gaglione and Mike Connors. Up next for the Dragons is a two week layoff until July 30th and a game against the Tomahawks.

Big Dogs Put Scare into Dragons - TWICE
Notch First Wins of Summer Season (7/11)

The Big Dogs put a scare into the Dragons twice last week. But the Blanc et Rouge still came away with their first two wins of the summer session. On Wednesday with 3 subs the Dragons were 2-1 victors with newcomer Aaron Rutsky and Mike Connors netting goals in the firt and second periods. Netminder Eric Vieweg stopped 25 of 26 shots in the win. Dennis Connors added two assists and Dave Carter added one as well.

Althought the results was the same on Saturday night, it came about distinctly differently. With the Dogs playing without a goalie for the ENTIRE first period, the Dragons could not manage a single goal. But thankfully in the second period thier goalie showed and the Dragons went right to work scoring three times in the period - two by Mike Connors and one by Aaron Rutsky. Jim Gaglione added one in the third period to ice the game with 2:30 left. Rit Carter and Rutsky added two assists each and Mike Ugliorolo added one.

Eric Vieweg stopped 14 of 16 shots one the night. Up next is the Yellowjackets twice on Wednesday July 13th and Saturday July 16th at 10 and 9 PM respectively.

Dragons Drop 3 to Open Season
Rough Start to Summer (6/26)

The Dragons have dropped to 0-3 for the Summer after a pair of losses to the Spiky Lizzards and one to the Tomahawks. In the first game, the Dragons dropped a 5-2 decision to the Lizzards and followed that up 3-days later with an 11-3 loss (with no goalie) to the Tomahawks. To complete the the triumverate, the Lizzards came from behind in the third game on Sunday night to take a 5-3 win.

In the opener, the speed of the opposition at first surprised the Blanc et Rouge, and they were down 2 in the first two minutes and the Dragons never truly recovered. The Dragons got goals from Mike Connors and Jim Gaglione, and an assist from Dave Carter.

Game two was a nightmarish development from the outset. With every goalie on the roster unavailable, the Dragons took the floor with just six players. They held their own in the first period only being down 3-2, but then the wheels came off as the opposition started really blasting shots on net that the guys standing there had no hope of stopping. It was a gmae effort by those in attendance but the dam was going to bust no matter they did.

Scoring in game two were Mick Pechenuk, Gaglione, and Rit Carter. Adding helpers on the night were Mike Connors and Gaglione.

Game 3 initially held some promise as Eric Vieweg was back from the weekend in the Poconos and in net. And things looked good thru two periods as the Dragons held a 3-1 advantage. But in the span of about three minutes that lead had turned into a one goal deficit. And eventually led to a 5-3 loss.

Scoring for the Dragons were Pechenuk, Dennis Connors and Dave Carter. Adding helpers were Dennis Connors and newcomer Aaron Rutsky (2a). Vieweg was unbelievable in net as usual stopping officially 28 of 33 shots, unofficially it was more like 53 shots.

Up next for the Dragons is about 10 days off and then back qt it again on July 6th (Wednesday) against the Big Dogs at 10PM.

Roster Changes for Summer Season
New Faces and Surprising Losses (6/26)

With the release of the summer schedule, the Dragons have some changes to announce. First the addition of a new center, Aaron Rutsky. Aaron comes to us via many teams but most notably the Zoo and Tomahawks. And also re-joining the Dragons is defenseman Mick Pechenuk.

Now the rest of the story, the Dragons also announced this week that wingers, Kathleen Higgns and Doug Stewart will not be on the roster this summer. Kathleen, has entered summer stock for a revival of M*A*S*H and Doug is once again on a book signing tour in the Himalayas supposedly to make an appearance on the North Face of Mt. Everest later this summer.

Dragons Rewarded for Last Season??
Bumped to E after First Place Finish (6/13)

The new Summer Schedule was released today and the Dragons were bumped up to the E Division. The first game for the Dragons is June 22nd at 9PM vs the Spooky Lizards. This is just the begining of a challenging week of play for the Dragons as they play three time in 5 days - following up with games on Saturday June 25 and Sunday June 26 at nine and ten respectively.

Special thanks to Dennis C.

For the impetus to create a Dragons web page. And for more than just a little of the HTML!

















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