Dragons Hockey

Dragons News

Changes Abound for Winter
Dragons Look for Spark (11/10)

With the ending of one season a new is always around the corner for the Dragons. And with rumors running rampant over roster changes and which division the squad will be in, its only fair that management held a press conference early today to fill in the media. Below is the high or low points from that press conference.

Roster changes had to be coming and the club confirmed that point as they lose center Aaron Rutsky and wing Rick Urquizu. Rutsky was rumored to be moving on to another club and Urquizu is already on a club in the F Division. And that was the second point as league and rink officials confirmed last night that the club was being dropped to the F Division for next season.

With all that news was also the news of plans for the Winter session. The team has added 3 new players and sees some changes coming to existing players. Super Agent Eric Vieweg representing a pair of Mercenaries, the team he used to play for, signed Andy Cox and Jason Carrier. He also recruited a former ice hockey player - Chad Hosegood. And news of line changes is running rampant amongst the media which the team confrimed today announcing that winger Dave Shelto is dropping back the blue line and defenseman Dave Spencer will be playing winger with Cox and Carrier.

After all these announcements, the media was more than shell shocked and team officials left their media room with some very confused media members. And this writer will only hold judgement until the team opens the next season in early december.

Season Endds - Mercifully
Winless Season for Dragons (11/10)

The fall campaign ended last night with a 4-1 loss to the division leading Village Idiots 4-1. Despite what many considered the best effort of the season, the Dragons could not muster enough offense to overcome the Village people. After 2 periods it was tied at 1's, but a 3-goal third period gave the V.I. the W.

Dragon netminder Eric Vieweg unofficially set a Dragon record for a season after facing 49 shots, facing 475 shots for the season. Scoring for the blanc et rouge was Rit Carter on an assist from Rick Urquizu.

The fall season concluded with a winless season and a losing streak that dates back to the summer session, and has reched 16 games not counting playoffs. it was also the second 0-12 season in team history. Look for more information to follow as the new season is set to start in early december and schedules are due out on November 30th.

Season in Hell About to Conclude
Winless Streak Hits 11 (11/2)

This wrap up of the prior 7 games covers what has to be one of the worst in Dragon history. Currently at 0-11 and about to face the E-Division leading Village idiots next Wednesday. The Dragons dropped games to the Hurricanes (forfieted), the Whalers 5-2, Village 7-1, Whalers (score sheet might have burned in the fire), 2 Fat 2 Furious 8-4, Village 9-1, and Hurricanes 6-3.

What have the pundits thought about this season? Well, they haven't thought much about it. The Dragons hit a low this season as they have trouble with players showing up and just being outplayed.

Management is hoping for a turnaround in the Winter Season coming up. Questions will always arise, who's returning who's not, who's being added? But management is holding their cards close to the vest on this one. Usually rumors have leaked about players being added but not this season. One can only hope this once proud franchise can turn things around.

Hurricanes Drop Dragons
4-2 Loss Creates 0-4 Start (9/23)

On wednesday 9/21 the Dragons and Hurricanes matched up in a winless game (both teams came in winless). Vegas oddsmakers had the Dragons a 3 goal advantage as the 'Canes had managed only 2 goals in tehir first 2 games. How wrong those pundits would turn out to be. The Hurricanes came out and scored first with 7 minutes left in the first and then again with :14 seconds left in the second. Free agent acquisition Rick Urquizu again paid off big as he put the Draogns on the board within the first minute of the third period. But the Canes came back with 2 goals around the halfway mark nad the Dragons could only muster one other score from Urquizu to close out the scoring.

Netminder Eric Vieweg stopped 21 of the "recorded" 25 shots and was heard afterward to say "if we're looking to be perfect this ain't the direction I would have chosen to go!".

The Dragons now have 9 days off until September 30th and a game against the Whalers at 7PM.

2 Fat 2 Losses
3-1 and 5-4 Wins for 2 Fat (9/23)

Things were looking up for the Dragons recently as they played better in two losses to 2 Fat 2 Furious but still at 0-3 its a long way to go if the Blanc et Rouge wants to be in the Playoff mix.

On 9/14 the Dragons dropped a 3-1 decision to 2 Fat but the defense actually showed up but the Dragons just could not finish. Itwas also a case of too much Huck as he had a hand in every score for 2 Fat. Scoring the lone goal for the Draogns was Mike Connors.

In net Eric Vieweg stopped 36 of 39 shots. But without any scoring punch it will be a looong season for the ole Dragons.

On 9/16 the re-match took place and things initially looked very bleak as the Dragons only had 1 sub but newcomer Rick Urquizu paid immediate dividends as he scored twicve and had an assist. But again the firepower on the other side of the ball was quite formidable. On the plus siide the Dragons "limited" Chad Huck to a mere 3 points on 1 goal and 2 assists.

In net Vieweg stopped 38 of 43 shots and began to show signs of peeling the rust off his game, if only the rest of the team could do the same.....

Dragons Buried in Opener
Whalers Win 9-1 (9/14)

The opener for the Dragons was not news worthy in any sense of the word. The 9-1 loss marks a new low point in the franchises history. As the blanc et rouge were outplayed in every way possible. Down 5-0 after 1 an d9-0 after 2. The Dragons did manage on egoal in the third by Jim Gaglione assisted by Aaron Rutsky.

Outshot 39-15, there was not much else to say about this one. Up next is 2 Fat 2 Furious on Wednesday Sept 14 at 10PM.

New Schedule Released
Still in E, Play on 9/7 (8/31)

The new schedule was released today and the Dragons are still in the E Division and open play on Wednesday 9/7 at 9PM. Its once again a 5 team division and a couple of familiar teams are playing in it - The Whalers and 2 Fat 2 Furious.


















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