Dr. Walcélio L. Melo

Publicações / Publications

Livros / Books

  1. "SPICE: The Theory and Practice of Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination", by Khaled El Emam, Jean-Normand Drouin, and Walcelio Melo. IEEE Press. 1998.

Capítulos de livros / Book Chapters

  1. Software Maintenance, Reverse Engineering and Reengineering.
  2. Co-authors: H. Lounis and H. Sahraoui.
    In H. G. Webster (Ed.),  Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 19. pages 492-507. Wiley&Sons, 1999.
  3. Software Quality.
  4. Co-authors: H. Lounis and H. Sahraoui.
    H. G. Webster (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, H. G. Webster (Ed.),. Vol. 19. pages 557-565. Wiley&Sons, 1999.
  5. An inductive method for software process improvement: concrete steps and guidelines.
  6. Co-authors: L. Briand and K. El Eman.
    K. El Eman and N. H, Madhavji (eds.), Elements of Software Process Assessment and Improvement.  1999. IEEE Press
  7. TEMPO: a support for the modeling of objects with dynamic behavior.
  8. Co-author: N. Belkhatir.
    In A. Verbraeck, H.G. Sol, P. W.G. Bots (Eds.), Dynamic Modelling and Information Systems, North-Holland, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1994.
  9. The Adele/Tempo Experience.
  10. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J. Estublier.
    In A. Finkelstein, J. Kramer, and B. Nuseibeh (Eds.), Software Process Modelling and Technology. Research Studies Press (distributed by Wiley and Sons), 1994.

Revistas especializadas / Journal Articles

  1. "Programa de Melhoria Sustentada da Qualidade em Software: O caso do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho".
    FEIJÓ, Cláudio F.; MELO, Walcélio L.
    Revista CEJ/Conselho de Justiça Federal, número 21, ISSN 1414-008X, páginas 62-67, novembro 2003.
  2. Assessing the Applicability of Fault-Proneness Models Across Object-Oriented Software Projects.
    Co-authors: Lionel C. Briand & Jürgen Wüst.
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(7):706-720, July 2002
  3. The Optimal Class Size for Object-Oriented Software: A Replicated Study.
  4. Co-authors: K. El Emam,  Saida Benlarbi, Nishith Goel, Hakim Lounis and Shesh N. Rai
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(5):494-509, May 2002.
  5. Prediction of Faulty Java Classes UsingObject-Oriented Design Metrics
  6. Co-authors: Khaled El Eman and Javam Machado.
    The Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 56, pages 63-75, 2001.
  7. "An Investigation on the Use of Machine Learned Models for Estimating Software Correctability".
  8. Co-authors: M. de Almeida and H. Lounis.
    Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1999.
  9. "A Concept Formation Based Approach to Object Identification in Procedural Code".
  10. Co-authors: H. Lounis, H. Sahraoui and H. Mili.
    Automated Software Engineering: An International Journal, 6, 287-410, 1999. Kluwer publishers.
  11. "Vers un modele de prediction de la qualite du logiciel pour les systemes a objets".
  12. Co-authors: H. Lounis and H. Sahraoui.
    L'objet - logiciel, bases de donnees, reseaux, 4(4):407-429, decembre 1998.
  13. " Q-MOPP: Qualitative evaluation of Maintenance Organizations, Processes, and Products".
  14. Co-authors: L. Briand, Y.-M. Kim, C. Seaman, and V. Basili.
    Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice, vol. 10, pages 249-278,1998.
  15. A Validation of Object-Oriented Design Metrics as Quality Indicators."
  16. Co-authors: V. Basili and L. Briand.
    IEEE Trans. on S/W Eng, vol 22, no. 10, Octobre, 1996.
  17. "Measuring the Impact of Reuse on Software Quality and Productivity".
  18. Co-authors: V. Basili and L. Briand.
    Communications of ACM, 39(10):104-116, Octobre, 1996
  19. Towards an Integration of Product and Process Modeling.
  20. Co-author: N. Belkhatir.
    Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering Journal, 3(1)36-50, 1996. Wiley&Sons.
  21. A Software Engineering Environment Driven by Event-Condition- Action Rules and its Trigger Mechanism.
  22. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J. Estublier.
    Information and Software Technology Journal, 37(10):580-587, October 1995.
  23. Cooperative Work in Large--Scale Software Systems.
  24. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J. Estublier.
    K. Bennett and M. Colter (Eds.), Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice, 6(6):319-335, 1995.
  25. Supporting Software Process Evolution in ADELE/TEMPO.
  26. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir.
    International Journal of Applied Software Technology, 1(1):81-94, 1995.
  27. Supporting Software Development Processes in ADELE 2.
  28. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir.
    The Computer Journal, 37(7):621-628, 1994.
  29. Collaborating Software Engineering Processes in TEMPO.
  30. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir. C. B. Medeiros (Ed.).
    Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 1(1):24-35, July 1994.

Artigos em conferências (com comitê de leitura) / Conferences (referred papers)

  1. "Programa de Melhoria Contínua de  Gerência de Configuração de Software Apoiado por Mensurações GMQ: A Experiência do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho."
    FEIJÓ, C. F.; OLIVEIRA, K. M.; MELO, W. L.
    XIII Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia de Software, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, junho de 2003.
  2. "Um Processo de Inspeção Utilizando Leitura Baseada em Perspectiva Aplicado à Análise de Requisitos do Unified Process"
    DA COSTA, P. J. & MELO, W. L.
    XIII Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia de Software, 24 a 27 junho de 2003, Curitiba, PR, Brasil.
  3. "Avaliação de Sistemas de Software Orientados a Objetos: Um Estudo de Caso"
    REZENDE, D. K. Rezende & MELO, W. L.
    XII Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia de Software, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, junho 2002.
  4. "A Fábrica de Experiência do Tribunal de Contas do Distrito Federal: Primeiros Resultados"
    BRASIL, C. B.; DE SOUSA, F. J. F.; MELO, W. L.
    XI Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia de Software, Curitiba, PR, Brasil,  2001.
  5. "ProReuso: Um Repositório de Componentes para Web Dirigido por um Processo de Reuso". Portugues.
    "ProReuso: A WEB Component Repository Driven by a Software Reuse Process". English.
    HOLANDA, C. B. S. ; de SOUZA, C. A. de A. ; MELO, W. L.
    15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES'2001, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, October, 2001. English Version.
  6. "Avaliação da Qualidade de Pacotes de Software: um estudo de caso"
    15th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES'2001, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, October, 2001
  7. Polymorphism Measures for Early Risk Prediction.
  8. Co-authors: S. Benlarbi
    Proc. of the 21th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, May 1999, Los Angeles, CA. IEEE Press.
  9. An Investigation on the Use of Machine Learned Models for Estimating Correction Costs.
  10. Co-authors: M. de Almeida and H. Lounis.
    Proc. of the 20th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, May 1998, Kyoto, Japan. IEEE Press.
  11. Identifying and Measuring Coupling on Modular Systems
  12. Co-authors: H. Lounis and H. Sahraoui
    Proc. of the 8 th International Conference on Software Technology -ICST'97 , Curitiba, Brazil, June 19777.
  13. "Applying Concept Formation Methods to Object Identification in Procedural Code".
  14. H.A. Sahraoui, H. Lounis, et F. Dumont.
    Proc. of IEEE Automated Software Engineering Conference, Incline Village, Nevada, USA, Nov. 1997, pp 210-218.
  15. "Formalizing Software Architectures: An Industrial Experience"
  16. Co-authors: P. Dini and A. Belkhelladi.
    Proc. of ESEC/FSE'97, 6th European Software Engineering Conference, pp. 527-529, 22-25 septembre, 1997, Zurich, Switzerland.
  17. Characterizing and Modeling the Cost of Rework in a Library of Reusable Software Components.
  18. Co-authors: V. R. Basili, S. E. Condon, K. El Emam, and R. Hendrick.
    Proc. of the 19th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, Boston, MA, 1997. IEEE Press.
  19. An Investigation into Coupling Measures for C++.
  20. Co-authors: L. Briand and P. Devanbu.
    Proc. of the 19th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, Boston, MA, 1997. IEEE Press.
  21. Analytical and Empirical Evaluation of Software Reuse Metrics.
  22. Co-authors: P. Devanbu, S. Karstu, and W. Thomas.
    Proc. of the 18th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, Berlin, Germany, 1996.
  23. Understanding and Predicting the Process of Software Maintenance Releases.
  24. Co-authors: V. Basili, L. Briand, S. Condon, Y.-M. Kim, and J. Valett.
    Proc. of the 18th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, Berlin, Germany, 1996.
  25. "Evaluating the Impact of Object-Oriented Design on Software Quality".
  26. Co-author: Fernando Brito e Abreu
    Proc. of the 3rd International Software Metrics Symposium (METRICS '96), Berlin, Germany, 1996.
  27. An Inductive Method for Process Improvement: Concrete Steps and Guidelines.
  28. Co-authors: L. Briand and K. El Eman.
    Proc. of the ESI-ISCN'95: Measurement and Trainning Based Process Improvment, Sep. 11-12, 1995. Vienna, Austria.
  29. Characterizing and Assessing a Large-Scale Software Maintenance Organization."
  30. Co-authors: V. Basili, L. Briand and C. Seaman.
    Proc. of the 17th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering, Seattle, WA, April 24-28, 1995.
  31. Evolving Software Processes by Tailoring the Behavior of Software Objects
  32. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir.
    Proc. of the IEEE Int'l Conf. on Software Maintenance. September 1994, Victoria, Canada.
  33. Supporting Software Maintenance Processes in Tempo.
  34. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir.
    Proc. of the IEEE Int'l Conf. on Software Maintenance. September 1993, Montreal, Canada. pp. 21-30.
  35. "Tempo: Defining Software Processes in an Approach Based on Objects with Roles".
  36. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir.
    Proc. of the 1st Int'l Conf. on Object-Role Modelling. Magnetic Island, Australia, July 1994.
  37. Software Process Model And Work Space Control in the Adele/Tempo System.
  38. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J. Estublier.
    Proc. of the 2nd Int'l Conf. on Software Process. Berlim, Feb. 1993. pp. 2-11. IEEE Press.
  39. TEMPO: a Software Process Model Based on Object Context Behavior.
  40. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J.-M. Adam.
    Proc of the 5th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering & its Applications, Toulouse, France, December 7--11 1992. pp. 733--742.
  41. Process-Centered SEE and Adele.
  42. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir, J. Estublier, M. A. Nacer.
    Proc. of the 5th Int'l Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE'92). Montreal, Canada, July 1992. pp. 156--165. IEEE Press.
  43. Supporting software maintenance evolution processes in the Adele system.
  44. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir, J. Estublier, M. A. Nacer.
    Proc. of the 30th Annual ACM Southeast Conf. Raleigh, NC, April 8-10, 1992. pp. 165--172.
  45. User Modeling and Control in Adele System
  46. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir
    Proc. of the 4th Int'l Conf. on Computing and Information, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 28-30,1992
  47. Adele 2: a support to large software development Process.
  48. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J. Estublier.
    Proc. of the 1st Int'l Conf. on Software Process. Redondo Beach, CA, Oct. 1991. pp. 11-22. IEEE Press.

Workshops e Simpósios (com comitê de leitura) / Workshops and Symposiums (referred short papers)

  1. "Defining, Measuring and Using Coupling metrics in Object-Oriented Environment"
  2. Co-authors: H. Lounis and H.A. Sahraoui
    Proc. of the SIGPLAN OOPSLA'97 Workshop on Object-Oriented Product Metrics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 5-9 Oct. 1997.
  3. "Improving maintenance by automatically documenting legacy software systems".
  4. Co-authors: H. Lounis and W. Melo.
    Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance, Oct., 1997, p. 79-84.
  5. "Improving maintenance by migrating legacy applications to object technology".
  6. H.A Sahraoui and H. Lounis.
    Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance, Octobre, 1997, p. 177-182.
  7. "The Need for a Cooperative Model: The Adele/Tempo Experience".
  8. Co-author: N. Belkhatir
    Proc. of the 9th Int'l Software Process Workshop, Oct. 5-7, 1994, Airlie, VA. pp. 90-92. IEEE Press.
  9. "TEMPO: Enhancing OO Paradigm for Modeling Software Engineering Processes".
  10. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J. Estublier.
    Proc. of the 8th Int'l Software Process Workshop, Feb. 1993, Berlin, Germany. IEEE Press.
  11. "Activity Coordination in a Software Production Kernel".
  12. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir and J. Estublier.
    Proc. of the 7th Int'l Software Process Workshop, Oct. 1991, Sao Francisco, CA. IEEE Press.
  13. "Supporting Software Processes: A Preliminary Evaluation of an Event Trigger Mechanism."
  14. Co-author: N. Belkhatir.
    M. Penedo, editor, Proc. of the Process Sensitive SEE Architecture Workshop, Sept. 1992, Boulder, CO.
  15. "An Object Driven Process Model".
  16. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir.
    Proc. of the 7th Int'l Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, Nov. 1992. pp. 463-470.
  17. "The object role software process model."
  18. Co-authors: N. Belkhatir.
    Proc. of the 2nd European Workshop on Software Process Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 7--8 September 1992. LNCS, vol. 635, Springer-Verlag. pages 150--152.

Relatórios Técnicos / Technical Reports

  1. "Validating Object-Oriented Design Metrics on a Commercial Java Application."
  2. Authors: D. Glasberg, K. El Emam, W. L. Melo, and N. Madhavji
    Technical Report No. NCR-CNRC No. 44146.
  3. "Assessing the Applicability of Fault-Proneness Models  Across Object-Oriented Software Projects."
  4. Authors: L. Briand, W. L. Melo, and J. Wüst
    ISERN Report No. ISERN-00-06, Aug. 2000.
  5. TUS: Tutorial de Usabilidade de Software.
  6. Authors: M. L. Bergamo e W. L. Melo
    Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brasil, RT-QSW-2000/01, Maio 2000.

Updated on Friday, April 02, 2004 9:37:38 PM by Walcélio L. Melo, Ashburn, VA, USA.

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