Burial Ground (The Nights of Terror)            Warning: Pointless foreign zombie film ahead
First Spaceship on Venus                              Earth is threatened by a petrified forest on Venus   
Godzilla's Revenge                                       A young boy trips out on Monster Island
Movie Title
The Giant Gila Monster                                Sodium Chloride turns a lizard into a killing machine   
Tormented                                                  A man is haunted by his dead lover and the
                                                                                     worst hipster dialouge we have ever heard
House on Haunted Hill (1958)                         Before some moron remade it, it was a
                                                                                     bad movie classic
Return of The Fly                                        Schlock sequel to a horror classic
The People That Time Forgot                       Fighting terrible special effects in a prehistoric land
The Defilers                                                 A tale of two boys and their sex dungeon
Reefer Madness                                           Often talked about but rarely seen. Campy 1930's
                                                                                     anti-marijuana film
The Terror                                                  Jack Nicholson & Boris Karloff, need I say more?
I Eat Your Skin                                            The most horrible zombies this side of
                                                                                     Voodoo Island, or anywhere for that matter
The Undertaker and His Pals                        Nympho bleach blondes, Cannibal motorcycle
                                                                                     gangs, and Hambur-gers...oh my!
King Dinosaur                                              NASA sends the cast of I Love Lucy to Planet Nova
Day of the Nightmare                                   Shemale returns from the grave for revenge
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet                    It's like Land of the Lost on acid
The Severed Arm                                         One armed killer comes back for revenge after
                                                                                     his friends resort to cannibalism
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla                            Godzilla battles his space titanium duplicate
Terror of Mechagodzilla                                Round Two with Godzilla's metal doppelganger
Screaming Skull                                           The movie that offers free burial should
                                                                                      you die from fright
Silent Night, Bloody Night                            Card carrying maniacs celebrate Christmas
Beast From Haunted Cave                            The most exciting monster in South Dakota
The Brain That Wouldn't Die                        A doctor must save his girlfriend's bitchy
                                                                                     severed head. A cult classic.
Round-Up Time in Texas                             A film that ironically takes place in Africa
White Zombie                                              Bela Lugosi in the first great zombie movie
Manos: The Hands of Fate                           Cult favorite about a stupid family who stay
                                                                                    the night at a satanic crash pad. Regarded as one
                                                                                    of the worst films ever!
The Terror of Tiny Town                             The only western with an all midget cast!
Rodan                                                         Giant pterodactyls destroy everything in thier path
The Killer Shrews                                        Giant killer hampsters weren't scary enough
Gigantis the Fire Monster                             The hard to find sequal to the original Godzilla
Ed Wood                                                     Bio-pic on the "worst director of all time"   
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