Dragons Hockey

Dragons News

A Winter Update
Dragons Currently 3-5 (2/18)

With the settlement of the writers strike there can finally be an update on the winter session for the Dragons. The Winter session started SLOWLY for the Dragons, as they dropped their first 3 games. But with those losses came hope that the season would turn itself around and for a while it seemed to as they rattled off three consecutive wins to even their record at 3-3.

As luck would have it the Dragons have lsot their last two contests to now be 3-5 and in jeopardy of not making the playoffs this session.

But their have been a few highlights and lowlights to the season so far. First was the appearance of longtime Dragon and a member of the East Hartford Mafia, Dennis Connors. It was learned afterwards that the Dragons may have seen the last of the high-scoring forward as it was learned thru un-official channels that a foot injury will keep him off the floor for the unforeseeable future. Unless a medico out there can come up with a way to do a complete foot transplant his dek days seem to be over. Does this mean a induction into the Dragons AHll of Fame? His appearance also coincided with the most interesting game of the season. During the final period of the game with the Nymphos, two of the opponents got out of hand a little and suffice it to say that while no Dragons were harmed during this game it did make for great locker room excitement after the game.

Now that the final third of the season is here, it seems that it will take quite an effort to make the playoffs and maybe a little help from the teams ahead of the ole blanc et rouge.

The Dragons are currently taking a two week vacation before finishing up the season. Up next is Iceberg Slim on Wednesday February 27th at 9PM.

New Schedule Released
Winter Season Opens on 12/22 (12/16)

The Winter 2007 season opens next saturday for the Dragons as they compete again in the F-Deck Division. The first game is set for Saturday 12/22 at 2PM - yup that's right 2PM. See the Schedule link for full details.

Dragons Drop OT Playoff Game
Lose 3-2 OT Thriller (12/16)

Finally playing their playoff game almost a week late, the Dragons and Agent Orange played an overtime thriller Saturday night that saw momentum shifts, fluke goals, and two goalies for the Dragons.

After falling behind in the first period on two goals on stand-in goalie Chris Roman, the Dragons played even to the third period when goals by Mick Pechenuck and Jim Gaglione tied the score with 2:12 left in regulation.

The effort was for naught when Agent Orange scored their third goal in the first minute of the OT on another weird angle shot from the corner (second one of the night).

This ends the Fall campaign for the Dragons but another season is starting up soon and the Dragons showing no roster changes should be in the hunt once again.

Playoff Game Potponed!
Moved to 12/15 @ 6PM (12/9)

In an unprecedented move, the playoff game for the Dragons tonight has been postponed until Saturday 12/15 at 6PM. Apparently the weather event was more than the rink could bear, that and all the phone calls they were fielding about the weather.

The schedule for the finals will change but has not been announced as yet or the rink has not yet planned it out. SO hopefully everyone has a safe night tonight and we'll see you all on the 15th at 6PM vs Agent Orange.

2-1 Win Closes Regular Season
Finish 8-4 (12/6)

The Dragons closed out their regular season last night with a 2-1 win over Agamemnon's Titans. Despite the win the Dragons could not improve tehir final standing as the 8-4 record was good enough to finish in third place.

With goals from Dave Carter (what?!?!?!) and Chad Hosegood and the stellar netminding of Tony Moura (stopped 26 of 27 shots) the Dragons beat Agamemnon for the second time out of three games.

Up next is a date in the playoffs with Agent Orange on Sunday 12/9 at 10PM.

Third Place Clinched
Sporty's Takes Dragons to the Limit (12/02)

The Dragons were taken to their limit Saturday afternoon as they held on for a 1-0 win against the winless Sporty's. Playing most of the game with only one sub and starting with none the Dragons scored on a goal from Dave Shelto on assists from Mike Ugliorolo and netminder Chris Roman.

Management swears that there is no goalie controversy on the club but the shutout in his second game certainly gives management pause. Roman stopped all 16 shots on net and amazingly the Dragons outshot Sportys 38-16.

The win now puts the blanc et rouge at 7-4 and clinches third place for the upcoming playoffs. They could tie Agent Orange but because of goals scored lose the tiebreaker for second. Either way the result places the Dragons in the second game of the playoffs next Sunday (12/9) at 10pm.

The Dragons conclude the regular season on Wednesday 12/5 at 10pm against Agamemnon's Titans.

Dragons Clinch Playoff Berth
Takedown Iceberg Slim 3-1 (11/29)

With regular netminder Tony Moura back in net after holding his youthful offender clinic, the Dragons held the Iceberg'd ones scoreless through twenty-nine plus minutes and the Dragons cruised to a relatviely easy win 3-1.

Playing classic Dragons Hockey (outshot 27-22) the blanc et rouge scored in each period and held the Iceberg's big guns in check to come away victorious and clinch a playoff berth with two games left on the schedule.

Getting into the scoring column were Dave Shelto, Chad Hosegood and The Condor - George Dunnery. Assisting on the goals were Mike Conors and Hosegood. Tony Moura stopped 26 of the 27 shot and was a mere 35 seconds from a shutout when the Icebergers scored in the third period. A surprising noshow for the game was all-time leading scorere James Gaglione, the rumors were flying around the rink about his sudden absence, team officials did not return our calls regarding this topic.

Up next for the Dragons is a Saturday matchup with the Sporty's team. This is a game where the Dragons depth at goalie will be pout to the test once again as Moura scheduled yet another youthful offenders goalie clinic (some have said he's training his future replacement on the team) replaceing him will be jack of all trades Chris Roman. Gametime is set for 3pm on December 1st.

Roster Changes Imminent for Dragons?
New Goalie Talent Surfaces in 3-1 Loss (11/27)

With regular netminder, Tony Moura away at a goalie clinic for youthful offenders, Chad Hosegood stepped between the pipes recently in Moura's absence. The result was a 3-1 loss to Agamemnon's Titans, but could the Dragons have found a new netminder? Nope! But they have found a viable number 3 on the depth chart.

Hosegood stopped 23 of 26 shots and held the opposition scoreless into the 3rd period. But without any appreciable offense to back him up the Dragons fell to the Titans. Scoring the lone goal for the Dragons was Goerge Dunnery on as assist from Jim Gaglione.

The end result of this game put the Dragons in jeopardy of losing hold on a playoff berth as they fell to 5-4 on the season. Up next after a 10-day rest is Iceberg Slim on 11/27 at 8PM.

Streak Ends Abruptly
Agent Orange Wins 3-1 (11/16)

The 4-game winning streak that the Dragons had going ended abruptly Wednesday night in a 3-1 loss to Agent Orange. In a classic case of being outshot and not scoring (in contrast to the classic Dragons win when being outshot...) the Dragons just could not find the back of the net when given the opportunities to do so.

Scoring for the Dragons was Dean Waller from Mick Pechenuk. In net Tony Moura stopped 25 of the 27 shots and then the team allowed a late empty netter.

This brings to a close the modest 4 game streak had going. But going forward the Dragons will face Agamemnon's Titans on saturday with a depleted bench as previous commitments see a number of Dragons needing to miss this game. And the next game is not until after the holiday (11/28).

Ooops They Did It Again!
Streak Reaches 4 Games (11/8)

The Dragons ran their winning streak to 4 on wednesday night as they knocked off the Nympho's 7-3. Playing a classic game of dragons Hockey to a T. Players at rinkside were quoted "I love it when a plan comes together". The Dragons were outshot 45-14 but outscored the Nympho's 7-3.

With the opponent starting the game without a goalie, the Dragons struck first 15 seconds in with a goal from Dean Waller, who managed a hattrick and a 4 point night. The blanc et rouge scored 3 times with forner Dragon Ray Glowicki standing in the crease. The Nympho's did not manage any better when they placed a goalie between the pipes either as the Dragons scored 4 more times.

Tony Moura coming off a sgutout in his last game, stopped 42 of 45 shots and survived a flurry of biblical proportions in the second period. Getting into the scoring colun besides Waller were Chad Hosegood (1 assist), Jim Gaglione (3 goals, 1 assist), and Mike Connors (2 assists).

Up next for the Draogns is a two game week aginast Agent Orange and Agamemnon's Titans before the Thanksgiving break.

Dragons Run Streak to 3
Moura Notches 3rd Career Shutout (11/1)

The Dragons ran their current winning streak to 3 after 6-0 and 2-1 wins over Sporty's and Iceberg SLim in the past week. This puts the Dragons currently in second place with a 4-2 record.

In the win over Sporty's netminder Tony Moura notched his 3rd career shutout and also saw 6 different Dragons score. Started by Rit Carter and ended by Dean Waller. In between those goals Mike Connors, Mick Pechenuk, George Dunnery and Jim Gaglione scored. Adding helpers were Chad Hosegood (3), Gaglione (2), Carter, Moura and Waller.Gaglione also added to his team lead in penaties as well with a High Stick in the first period. Moura stoppedall 12 shots on him and was not truly tested on the night as the DDragon D played well.

In the win over Iceberg, Moura stopped 20 of 21 shots and the Dragons got goals from Hosegood and Waller. Adding assists were Chris Roman, Hosegood and Dunnery. This win avenged an earlier 6-0 loss inthe 2nd game of the season.

Up next is Nympho's on 11/7 ay 8PM.

Dragons Split Another Pair
Pattern for .500 Continues (10/12)

The Dragons played thier third and fourth games of the season recently and have come away with what casual observers are now calling a trend - Splitsville. Now 2-2 on the young season the blanc et rouge lost to the Nymphos 2-0, and beat Agent Orange 2-1.

As the team has begun to meld together the goals allowed has dropped but production has also suffered, this could be due to any number of factors - but most observers close to the team say it is in direct correlation to the lack of packages form the now defunct labs in San Francisco. While noone is actually saying the word BALCO, it is becoming more and more obvious that the two seem to be related.

Scoring in the win were George "The Condor" Dunnery and Mike "There is No East Hartford Mafia!" Connors. Shots on net, apparently netminder Tony Moura did manage to stop most of the shots on net (30 of 32 in the loss, but no stats were provided by the rink after the 2-1 win).

Up next is a game with the Sporty's team next wednesday at 8PM.

Fall Season Opens
Split First Two Games (9/27)

The Fall season started with a thud last week but the Dragons rebounded nicely in game two lat night. Facing a full squad of Iceberg Slimmers the Dragons could not muster any goals despite outplaying the Slim ones in the frist period and fell 6-0. With the combination of fatigue seeting in on the shorthanded Dragons and the merging of some new faces, the Dragons were effectively spent for the night. Being oushot 40-20 doesn't help either.

But in Game 2 last night (9/26) the Dragons, playing with amomost a compelte team rebounded with a 6-1 win over Agamemnons Titans. Getting goals from newcomer Mike Downey and second season player Dean Waller along with two goals from George "The Condor" Dunnery, Mike Connors and Chad Hosegood supported the play in net of Tony Moura (stopped 23 of 24 shots).

Adding helpers were Downey, Dunnery, and Connors. With the win the Dragons evened their season record at 1-1. Up next for the Draongs is a matchup with the Nympho's next wednesday (10/3) at 8PM. Any players who have not played yet need to play in this game to continue playing in the season or at least pay the full time fee.

Fall Schedule Released
Play Starts 9/19 (9/12)

Despite the dismal season just completed, the Dragons go back into action on Wednesday 9/19 at 8PM. Check the Schedule link for full schedule info.


























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