Dragons Hockey

Dragons News

Dragons Awarded 6th Title!
Whalers Ruled Out by Rink (7/14)

The spring campaign ended on a high not today as the Dragons were crowned F-2 Playoff Champions. Due to the admiistrative illegalities by the Whalers the rink officials have forfeited them out of the playoffs and crowned the Dragons champs.

What with many memebres taking advantage of the week layoff between playoffs games and spreading to the four corners of the country for some R&R, pictures and trophies will be done at the occasion of the first game of the next season.

As stated previously in this column, the new schedule is due out on Wednesday and our schedule link will be updated soon after that. Congrats Dragons!

New Schedule Due Out Wednesday
Summer Season Only to be 10 Games! (7/13)

The summer schedule is due out on Wednesday July 16th. And there is a big change to it - the season will only be 10 games. Apparently the rink is trying to get on a more quarterly schedule and this was the only way to do it. The price for the season is reduced by $16 as well and will only be $81.

Dragons Explode in Game 1!!
Score 10-7 Victory (7/13)

The Dragons offense was VERY OFFENSIVE minded for a change as they exploded for 10 goals on their way to a 10-7 win in the best of three final series against the ESPN Whalers. With regualr netminder Tony stuck at work (on a saturday??? hmmmm) Replacement goalie Chris Roman stood between the pipes and was the recipient of the offense as he held the high scoring Whalers to only 7 goals. Roman stopped19 of the 26 shots he faced in net despite not been in goal for a couple of seasons.

As usual the Dragons offense was balanced in the win as six different Dragons managed to score. Leading the way with a hat trick was Dean Waller.Two other Dragons had two goals each - Jim gaglione and Dave Carter. Adding single tallies were - Rit Carter, Mick Pechenuk, and Mike Connors. The assists were handed out left and right as the blanc et rouge had 18 on the evening. Leading the way with six was Jim Gaglione, adding 5 was Connors. Chipping in with two each were Gaglione and D Carter.Mike Ugliorolo and Eric Titus added 1 each to round out the scoring.

What's next? Well game two is not for another 6 days as it is scheduled for Friday July 18th at 6PM. Will the Dragons win their sixth championship? Coem on out and see, there are still good seats available.

Onto the Finals!!
Moura Leads Way with Shutout (7/11)

The Dragons are back in the Finals after shutting out the Titans 4-0 Friday night behind the 40 save performance of netminder Tony Moura.

With most of the team in attendance the Dragons, despite being outshot 40-30, were bouyed by two goals each from DEan Waller and Chris Roman. With this reporter not actually in attendance, the locker room quotes while colorful could not be repeated verbatum in fear of FCC sanctions. Suffice to ssay most were positive but colorful. Adding helpers on the night were Dave Shelto (2), Mike Connors (2), George Dunnery (2), Rit Carter (1) and Mike Ugliorolo (1).

The win puts the Dragons back into a league finals series but must play the regular season champion ESPN Whalers. While the Dargosn have their work cutout of rthem, and it will be an uphill stuggle the squad is optomistic that they will show up to play the high scoring Whalers starting Saturday 7/12 at 7PM.

They're In!
Third Period Outburst Seals Deal (6/29)

The Dragons scored 6 unanswered goals in the third period and made their way into the playoffs. The six goals also were a team record for one period in win or go golfing games in June. After allowing a first period goal to Sporty's it seemed like it was going to hold until Dean waller scored :22 seconds into the third period.

That seemed to open things up as the blanc et rouge scored 5 more times in the next five minutes. Waller scored twice and four players scored once each - Chris Roman, Goerge Dunnery, Mick Pechenuk and Rit Carter. Adding helpers on the night were Jim Gaglione, Pechenuk, Dunnery, Eric Titus, Roman, Carter, Mike Ugliorolo and Mike Connors. Netminder Tony Moura, never really tested, stopped 21 of the 22 shots he saw.

This means that the Dragons now play on Friday July 11th at 7PM against the Titans.

Final Game Pivotal!
Forfiet causes Must Win Game!! (6/22)

The forfeit of game 11 to the Titans coupled with the win by Sporty's over the previously unbeatedn Whalers has created a must win game next Saturday between Sporty's and the Dragons. This places the Dragons a mere one point ahead of Sporty's with one game to play.

Also in a must show to play in the playoffs are forwards Dean Waller and Rit Carter. Abd with that the playoff schedule has been posted. The first game between the second and third seeds is friday July 11th at 7PM. See the Schedule page for a full schedule fo the payoffs.

All Dragon players must schedule their off time better - ie cancel book signings and personal appearances and autohraph signings - so that the club makes the playoffs this season. All off deck activity will be monitored by team security to insure that all players will be healthy and able to play not only in the playoffs but the final game as well.

The last game of the regular season is set for Saturday June 28th at 9PM.

Dragons on a Streak!
Playoff Hopes Rekindled!! (5/31)

The Dragons have managed to put together a modest 2-game winning streak. With a 4-2 win over the Titans a week a go (this writer was not present for the game) and last night's 7-2 win over Sporty's they are now solidly in contention for the third and final playoff berth with 3 games to play.

The blanc et rouge EVEN managed to outshoot Sporty's last evening 39-21. With goals from Jim Gaglione (3 2), Dean Waller (2 2), Dave Shelto (1 2), and Dave Carter (1 1) the Dragons were in control from the start. All they had to do was to control former Dragon Ray Glowicki from going off and they managed that feat nicely as Ray only had a single goal in the second period after the first four tallies by the Dragons. Ray seemed to be evoking past memories of franchise glory by wearing the jersey of the legendary Fishsticks but to no avail. Adding only assists on the evening were Rit Carter and George Dunnery. Taking a night off in net was Tony Moura as he only had to face 21 shots and the last one was as the clock was winding down inside 2 seconds left in the game (yeah but it went in!!).

The Dragons games of late are drawing out the in-crowd and the whos who of PISA hockey. With former Dragon netminder Jim Marks in attendance the Dragons were thought to provide only comic releif for this hall-of-famer (did I just say hall of fame?). That's a story and bombshell for another day. But the cominc releif was there as the Dragons came to play and actually win last night.

The Dragons control their own fate now as they face each team in the division one more time before the playoffs in July. Currently in third place or and second squarely in their sights and at 3-5-1 and Sporty's at 2-7 the final three contest will make or break the blanc et rouge. Upnext - ESPN Whalers next friday at 7PM.

Spring Season Not Going Dragons Way!
Playoff Hopes Fading??? (5/18)

The spring season for the Dragons is certainly not going the way management drew it up on the blackboard. One win and a tie leaves the Draogns currently one point out of the playoff hunt. But with still one matchup with Sportys (the team they trail by one point) the fate of the balnc et rouge is still in their own hands.

Despite a league leading games missed by the entire Dragons' squad they contineu to give maximum effort with whomever happens to be at any given contest. Between Little League games, book signings by retired players, remembrance services, softball games, goiters and just genreal work related time missed the Dargons cannot help but wonder whatif. Whatif there had only been a fountian of youth in Florida for Ponce de Leon to find? Whatif the Warren commission deemed there HAD been more than one gunman, Whatif the Red Sox had aquired A-Rod prior to the '04 season? And what if the Draongs had a full team every night they played? Well those are questions for the ages and may never be answered. But they are fun to consider.

The latest debacle in the Dragons season was a 8-1 blowout loss to the ESPN Whalers, and another question what are these guys doing in E-2? and could they have been winless in E last season? But this just leaves the Dragons to shake their heads and think there's another game next week.

For our dedicated readers, IF you are still out there, there are brighter days ahead for this storied franchise. But you will all have to wait until at least until next season for them it looks like right now.

Up next is the Titans on Friday May 23rd at 6 PM.

New Season Starts with a Thumping!
Holy Cow - A Blowout of Biblical Proportions! (4/5)

A new season for the Dragons began last night and with the usual aplumb that the Dragons have, they resoundly laid the proverbial egg. Playing with only one sub and a new player the Dragons held their own for about the first half og the game. Then the legs and energy gave out. The result a 9-3 loss to the ESPN Whalers.

Rinkside observers looked quite perplexed when the Dragons took the floor without many of their longtime players. Some even suggested that a military junta was taking place within the organization with so many missing in action. Out were Mike Connors, Chad Hosegood, Dean Waller, Dave Shelto, Mike Ugliorolo, Mick Pechenuk and Mike Downey. Suffice it to say that there was no junta it was just bad timing on the start of the season and bad timing for the games scheduled for the Dragons.

In attendance were Tony Moura, Rit Carter, Jim Gaglione, Chris Roman, George Dunnery, Dave Carter and newcomer Eric Titus. The final score does not indicate how good the opposition is it just indicates that the legs of the seven taking the floor disappeared midway thru. The Dragons were leading 2-1 after one on goals by Dave Carter and Jim Gaglione and were only down 4-3 after two periods on another score by Gaglione. A five goal outburst in the third period sealed the deal for the Whalers.

Up next for the blanc et rouge is a matchup with the Titans, 9-0 winners over Sporty's last night, next wednesday 4/11 at 6PM.

Whoa! A New Schedule!
Dragons Drop into F2 Division! (3/27)

Okay so while some news travels slower than others, re:no Dragons update in over a month! A new Schedule forthe spring 08 season was released today. The high points see that the Dragons have actually dropped a division. Man where is Stewart when you need him! But almost all games this seaosn are on fridays. You will have to tell me if this is good or bad.

Now while the last season was not exactly a stellar one for the blanc et rouge, it did see all four playoff teams finish over .500 which is not the norm at the Plainville rink. And the 5-7 season ws not enough for the Dragons to qualify for post season play. For those that wish to know, our favorite opponent has made the finals - Nymphos and they are playing the Flyers III team.

back to the new schedule, see the Schedule link for a full view of the upcoming season. The Dragons open on Friday April 4th at 7PM.



























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