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These lists were not compiled by The Weird World. They were collected from random places on the internet and placed into one big group so they could be found easier.

The Ugly Peoples Guide to Life

1. Uglyness is not an option. You either have it or you dont.

2. Everyone is ugly to someone.

3. Some ugly people are repulsive.

4. Ugly people have the same rights as others.

5. Ugly people will still be treated differently.

6. Babies are turned off by ugly people.

7. The opposite sex is turned off by ugly people.

8. Uglyness will not get you money.

9. Ugly people sometimes have low self confidence.

10. Ugly people are attracted to ugly people.

11. Uglyness is not just in the face.

12. Ugly men are sometimes sterile.

13. Ugly women are sometimes fat.

14. Some ugly women do not menstrate.

15. Some ugly people can be small.

16. Eskimos are sometimes ugly.

17. People can be good looking and ugly at the same time.

18. Some people are ugly where the sun dont shine.

19. When women get pregnant they sometimes get ugly.

20. Really hairy women are sometimes ugly.

21. Some ugly people shouldn’t go out in public.

22. On the internet you cant tell if someones ugly.

23. Pot bellies can be ugly.

24. Young women with many wrinkles can be ugly.

25. People with 5000 moles are sometimes ugly.

26. The flab on your arms can make you ugly.

27. Fat that falls off of other peoples arms can make you ugly.

28. In some women, elargeent eliminates uglyness.

29. Dirty people are sometimes ugly.

30. Sluts are sometimes ugly.

31. People that have had parts blown off in war are sometimes ugly.

32. People that dont blow their noses can be ugly.

33. Women that dont shave their legs can be ugly.

34. Women with really hairy arms can be ugly.

35. Women with hairy chests can be ugly.

36. You can become ugly by gluing your face to a bush.

37. People with mono can be ugly.

38. People that dont believe in wearing clothes can be ugly.

39. People with yellow pus oozing out of their skin can be ugly.

40. People that rub stool on their faces can be ugly.
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Things to do on a blind date

Many Yo Momma jokes

Things you dont want to hear a surgeon say

Real stupid news paper headlines

Ways to say "your a dummy"

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