

I have added the following pages:


03/27/02: In Andre's Visit, a strange man looks for Talen.

January: (Happy 2002!):

01/10/02: Added a banner for Revenant's 7th Sea site to this main page as well as to our Links section. Thanks Revenant for you support of our site!

01/09/02: In Madame Bisset's Welcome, young Talen decides to take Colesun up on his offer of membership in the Explorer's Society.

01/08/02: Jackie: This song is from the Sinead O'Conner album "The Lion and the Cobra". It is an adaptation of an earlier tradition sea song. The original author is unknown. It tells the tale of a woman who waits for her lover to come home from sea though he is hopelessly lost. She looks for him even after her own death, forever more walking the shore waiting for his return...

For more songs such as this, visit our Songs page. It has many adaptations of old sea shanties, as well as original songs written by our group. Enjoy!


12/28/01: Look at the Books section and the Movies section for new listings, specifically "The Wake of the Perdido Star" (a novel by Gene Hackman & Daniel Lenihan) and the excellent A&E "Horation Hornblower" series of movies. I have also added "The Musketeer" and the three A&E "Scarlet Pimpernel" movies to the movie section.

12/17/01: Today I added another of Volker's dreams as well as a story detailing Laurent's miraculous recovery.

12/01/01: Well, this one speaks for itself: Reynaldo Remembers.

12/01/01: Volker Story 1: Tells of Volkers dreams of grandure as he contemplates killing a giant that has been plaguing the Avalon countryside.


11/27/01: Here is a letter from Sophia De La Cruz to Enrique Montoya, left for him in Eisen.


10/13/01: Finally another story of William McKormic, in which he remembers times past. A very good read: William's Story: Rememberances.


8/12/01: Here we are more than a month later again... Well, it can be said that the reason we haven't posted anything here in a while is that we haven't been playing 7th Sea. But now we are starting again next week and Josh has written another piece about Talen (his young roguish character) that will get us all back in the mood to buckle some swashes! Check it out: The Card Game.

8:13:01: Yet another peice of Talen's history has been added to the pages: Calyanni's Heir, Part 2.


7/3/01: Wow, so it has been a long time again... I've been all the way to the other side of the world and back since then so maybe I can be excused just this once... Anyway, I have posted a new journal entry for Reynaldo so read and enjoy!


5/4/01: Finally back to updating the website!!! Added Talen to the Characters page. Also added his first Tale (Calyanni's Heir from the Story pages). There are more that needed to be added as well. In case you are wondering, Josh (who plays Talen) is the "Anonymous" author on the Stories page.


3/27/01: Added Equipment Lists and Monetary Conversion Chart, a very cool chart I came up with that converts the prices from the equipment list from Guilders into any monetary unit in Theah.

3/19/01: I have added yet another of Patrik's "Letters to Amy". This one is Letter 10, which concerns Fellhand's return and the death of Jenner. Also added Inquisitor Trial, about the groups trial by the Inquisition while in Castille.

3/17/01: TOP of the MORNING to ya! In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I have added yet another of Patrik's excellent Letters to Amy. This one is Letter 9.

3/16/01: Added Enrique Journal Entries 21 , 22 & 23. Also added Letters to Amy, Letter 7 and Letters to Amy, Letter 8 to Patrik's page.

3/12/01: Added Enrique Journal Entries 19 & 20. Also added A Stormy Night, Patrik's and Amy's first meeting.

3/6/01: Added Letters to Amy, Letter 6 to Patrik's page, which outlines the plan for assaulting the Ille d'Bete in the Thalusian Isles.

3/1/01: Added "Calyanni's Heir", another good story by Anonymous. This will most likely serve as part of the history of his new characer. Also added Letters to Amy, Letter 5, concerning the voyage of the Hurricane, and the taking of another ship while enroute to the Thalusian Isles. Also added another journal entry by Reynaldo: Journal Entry: Reynaldo decides on a plan on how to deal with Fellhand.


2/28/01: Posted an excellent story called Goodnight Nira by Anonymous. Check it out! Added Letters to Amy, Letter 2, another letter from Patrik to his love, Amy, concerning William's duel with the Castillian swordsmaster, Pablo. Also added Letters to Amy, Letter 3, still in Carleon, Patrik writes to Amy about William's injury; the little girls ghost at the Fey Queen's Rest; and meeting Jenner. And added Letters to Amy, Letter 4, in which Patrik and the rest save the little girl's spirit from eternal damnation and destroy an evil entity.

2/27/01: Added Patik O'Brian to the Characters page. Also added his History and the first of his Letters to Amy (his "lost" love).

2/23/01: Posted Enrique's long-awaited Journal Entry 18 to his page (the saga continues... I definite "must read"). Added a song called "Me & Bloody Bonnie McGee" to the Songs page. It is a humorous take on the relationship between Reis and Bloody Bonnie McGee (sang, of course to the famous Janice Joplin song...).

2/22/01: Added a letter to Valliere from Laurent, asking for Valliere's help and informing him of recent unfortunate events.

2/21/01: Well, that was a bit of a hiatus... but I am BACK! I added 2 more Interludes to Enrique's page; Interlude VII and Interlude VIII, both of them letters to Sophia de la Cruz.

2/15/01: Added William's letter to du Chevalier to William's page. Volker Journal Entry 3 was added as well.

2/14/01: Posted a notice on the main page from Simon Wray (owner of Revenant's 7th Sea site) concerning his idea for The Luminary, a web-based Character Journal. Added Picture Page 2 to the Pictures page. It contains 15 pics of tall ships.

2/13.01: Posted "The Story So Far", Part One to the Story page. Added the Sail Names page to Game Aid, etc. which will help would-be sailors with their knowledge of which sail is which. Nice image maps to show what is what and where it is... Added new "Uncommon Valor" image to header of several of the pages, including this one and the main page.

2/12/01: Added Yahoo webring navbar to the Uncommon Valor main page. We are official members of the Geocities webring but not 7th webring of Theah or Roleplayers Anonymous yet; they are still pending. Posted a story, "The Figure", on Fellhand's page as well as posting another on Sabene's page. Added "Fellhand in Carleon, Pt. 2" to the Story page. "Fellhand in Carleon, Pt. 1" hasn't been written yet.

2/10/01: Finally added the Picture page to the site. There are pictures of Valliere and Fellhand and a bunch of pics of Musketeers from some Re-enactment society.I will be adding more as time goes by.

2/9/01: Finished posting all of Laurent's journals up until now (there are 6 in all). Also added a letter from his son Jacque to his page. Added Valliere's pic to his page and also added Fellhand's pic to his page as well as revamped them a bit to show just how evil he is...

2/8/01: Added a GOOD search engine to my site! I tried it out and if works JUST fine! Posted a list of movies and a Ship & Tavern name generator on the Game Aids, etc. page. Also posted Volker's Journals 1 & 2. I have also uploaded the following: Laurent's journal entry concerning the deaths of Pierto and Patrice AND Laurent's letter to the group in Carleon; Reynaldo's first journal after apparently coming back from the dead as well as the one right after he found out that Fellhand is ALIVE!; Another journal entry for William as well as a story from William's point of view concerning the Fellhand's Lost Love adventure. Added 6 new songs about Fairies/Sidhe on the Songs pages.

2/6/01: Posted Sabene's History on her page. Corrected her name from "Sabine" to "Sabene" on the pages that I could find the error.

2/6/01, continued: Added 2 letters from Valliere, one while in Eisen concerning his leaving with Laurent, his sick manservant, and one while in Carleon which is addressed to Miriam, the proprietress of The Fey Queen's Rest. Also posted William's response to the first letter and Miriams response to the secon. All of this is to be found on Valliere's page.

2/2/01: Busy, busy, busy! Toned down the background image so that the text would be easier to read. Added 4 files to the Game Aid pages: "Are you a Fop?", "Books", "7th Sea Names", and "7th Sea Quick Reference". Also added "Story One" and Journal Entries One and Two to Sabene's character page. Added Journal Entry Two to William's pages.

2/1/01: Added William's first journal, renamed original "Journal One" entry "William Story 1", re-organized his pages and added the Journal Prologue as well. Posted two dreams that have plagued Volker. Added two songs, When I Have Loved and Folk of the Plaid, to the Song pages. I also added a excerpt from and old German book that describes traditional duels in detail to the Game Aid pages.


1/31/01: It was a real pain, but I finally got all of Enriques myriad journal entries converted to the new format. I also added the second Pierto journal entry, and two more journal entries for Reynaldo. Also added "Sir Patrick Spence", an adaptation of an old Scottish sea ballad to the Songs page. Added HitBox on Valor page to monitor traffic.

1/29/01: I have created and posted over 90 pages for the Uncommon Valor site so far!!! Added Journal Entries 2, 3, & 4 to Lia's pages. Posted comments by William after Lia was taken by gargoyles and the whole group was lost in a dark Eisen forest. Added "Heilgrund's Hospitality" to the Stories page; it is a synopsis of some of the adventures the group had while staying with Heilgrund. Created and posted a Links page. Added the 7th Sea GM's Guide review to the Game Aids page.

1/27/01: Did major re-work to the pages to add the new background and to make them all more compatible, stylewise (same fonts, setup, etc.). Haven't gotten to Enrique's Journals yet, so I still have a long way to go. Created "Under Construction" pages for Jenner, Sabene, and Volker. Will eventually make sure that all links actually go somewhere, even if only to an "Under Construction" page.

1/26/01: Added 3 more journal entries for Valliere.

1/25/01: Added Patrice to the Character page. Also added Enrique's History to his page.

1/24/01: New background for the main page and will be continuing to update the other pages with this background as I go. Added Banter to the Story pages.

1/23/01: Added William Story 1 on William McCormick's page (name changed from journal one to William Story 1, see above, 2/1/01). Added Laurent's second journal entry to his page. Also added Lia's first journal entry as well. Apparently it is a day for Journal Entries, because I have now added Reynaldo's second Journal Entry. Here we go again: Added Valliere's 1st thru 4th journal entrys to his page

1/20/01: Added "The Blind Harper" to the Songs page.

1/19/01: I have created and posted over 67 pages for the Uncommon Valor site so far!!! There are many, many more on the way! Rearranged the "New" page to show the updated in descending order so that the latest updates would be at the top. Added one of my original poems, "Awakening" to the Poem page. It is a very spooky poem accompanied by a spooky picture of a willow stand. Have I said "spooky" enough yet?

1/19/01, continued: I added the Songs page and linked it to a song called The Inish Girl, an adaption of an old "real Earth" Irish song. I have added another Song called "The Castillian Lady" (to carry on the theme). Added "The Women All Tell Me" about a man who chooses alcohol over his dear "Chloe". Not exactly in the same vain as the others but a good song to set the mood in an Avalon pub, I would think. Look for more of these adaptions in the near future.

1/18/01: Posted Enrique's Intro on his Character page. Posted Valliere's History and a Journal entry (actually number 5, see above for 1-4...)to his character's page.

1/16/01: Added two more Story entries detail the "Fellhand, Time and Time Again" adventures. Also added Pierto Savino (Mikey's first character) to the Character page and placed his journal entry online. Filled out more of the pages with quotes, etc.

1/15/01: Added the Laurent page to the NPC section as well as one of his Journal entries. Also added the first Journal entry for Reynaldo.

1/12/01, continued: I updated the Stories section to include 3 more chapters in the storyline. Did other misc. updates. I was a busy bee today! Be sure to check out "Life on the Lamb", the spoof journal entry that Robert (a.k.a. Valliere) wrote for William...

1/12/01: Added background color and graphics to the pages. Did some general maintenance and "fixes". Worked on Character section. Created a "New" page to show the updates. I have also added "Fellhand" to the NPC section as well as his answers to "The Villain's 20 Questions". I have also added Lia and Reynaldo's pages and Histories.

1/11/01: Added "The Ship" to the Stories section (this also has our first graphic element... *WOO HOO* Hey, its a start!)

1/8/01: Added a new chapter to Jeane du Merlot's (henceforth known as Joan du Muguet) story on the NPC page. Also added Enrique Montoya's (the character!) email address to his page

1/5/01: Added the remaining Journal entries and "Interludes" to Enrique's character pages.

1/4/01: Enrique Montoya's page was added to the Characters section and includes 14 Journal entries and 3 "Interludes" (with more to come soon!). Thanks for all the hard work, Rick!

1/4/01, continued: A conversation between Reynaldo and William was added to the Stories section. William McCormick's page was added to the Characters section and William's History was added to his page.

1/3/01: A story about the character's impact on Charles du Chevalier and two chapters in the life of Jeane du Merlot are linked off the NPC page and a poem about The Grey Queen can be found off of the Poems page!

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